Senior Promotions

2024-2025 Departmental Promotions Committee (DPC) Membership

  • Patrick Cheung
  • Laura Dawson
  • Kathy Han
  • Ruby Han (Resource)
  • Michael Milosevic
  • Gerard Morton
  • Eileen Rakovitch (Chair)
  • Danielle Rodin
  • Jan Seuntjens
  • William Tran
  • May Tsao
  • Alex Vitkin

Senior Promotions Overview

Academic promotion is a means of acknowledging and rewarding faculty who have excelled in specific aspects of the University of Toronto’s academic mission. Candidates will be reviewed upon their demonstrated excellence in research, creative professional activity (CPA), or teaching and service to the University. Candidates will also be reviewed against the academic standards and values of the Department and the Faculty.

Senior Promotions refers to promotion to the academic ranks of Associate Professor or Full Professor. To advance from Instructor to Lecturer or Lecturer to Assistant Professor, the University sees this as a new appointment - please follow the process outlined in "Academic Appointment Request" should you wish to progress between those academic ranks.

All UTDRO Faculty are invited to submit their interest in Senior Promotions in the Spring. Faculty interested in submitted an Expression of Interst are encouraged to speak with the DPC Chair and their mentors prior to submission for consideration.

The Departmental Promotions Committee (DPC) reviews all expressions of interest and all eligible faculty members in July of each year. Candidates who are recommended to proceed for promotion by the DPC will be asked to submit a full dossier.

Full Dossier will include:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • CPA and Appendices (where applicable)
  • Teaching Dossier and Appendices
  • Data Summary Tables: (3) Research Awards (4) Research Supervision (5) Refereed Publications and (7) Teaching
  • 5 Most Significant Publications since last appointment


For more information about deadlines and application processes, please email Ruby Han at