Teaching Evaluations


Evaluations of our programs, our rotations, and our faculty are a very important element of our commitment to continuous improvement of the educational experience.  We are committed to assessing our curriculum at different stages and from different perspectives.

Elentra is an integrated online teaching and learning platform for Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) learners, instructors and curriculum administration.
POWER is an Internet based Registration service for PGME Trainees enrolled or enrolling for training through the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine and its associated training hospitals. Faculty members use POWER for evaluating student performance on rotation. 

Ad-Hoc Teaching Evaluations

UTDRO recognizes that much teaching of our trainees and students happens on an ad-hoc basis within the clinical and research environments. Therefore, we have created an Ad-Hoc Teaching Evaluation to capture the feedback for this specialized instruction. We encourage all faculty and trainees or students to complete this feedback form for any intermittent teaching that happens.