RTi3 2025 Call for Abstracts

Abstract Types and Criteria

The RTi3 Conference is currently accepting abstracts! To view details, please expand your category of interest below for more information. 

1. Research Study (Due: January 8, 2025)

Criteria for a Research Study 

Research abstracts are those that report prospective and retrospective studies using more formal scientific approaches. They often describe a systematic investigation designed to answer a question, and/or test a hypothesis with valid conclusions that are supported by the results.

Required Sections

Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion


January 8, 2025

Accepted Abstract Categories

  • Education 
  • Patient Outcomes and Toxicities 
  • Quality and Safety
  • Supportive Care
  • Treatment Delivery
  • Treatment Planning
  • Other (Input your own topic)

Before you begin...

Please make sure that you have the following information before beginning the abstract submission process:

  • Information for the presenting author: First and Last Names, Institution(s)/Affiliation(s), Position at Institution(s), Credentials Held, Telephone and Email
  • Accurate author list/order: First and Last Names, and Name of Institution(s)/Affiliations
  • The maximum characters without spaces for your abstract is 3000 (approximately 500 words) for all sections combined.
  • Tables and figures are not permitted.
  • In your abstract, do not reference any names, published studies or institutions (e.g. simply write “our institution” if needed.)

View Example of Previous Research Abstract

2. Practice Innovation / Initiative (Due: January 8, 2025)

Criteria for a Practice Innovation / Initiative

Practice innovation (PI) abstracts describe the development of novel innovations and process or quality improvement projects that have the potential to impact our daily practice, our professions, and our patients.

Required Sections

Aim, Process, Benefits/Challenges, Impact/Outcomes


January 8, 2025

Accepted Abstract Categories

  • Education 
  • Patient Outcomes and Toxicities 
  • Quality and Safety
  • Supportive Care
  • Treatment Delivery
  • Treatment Planning
  • Other (Input your own topic)

Before you begin...

Please make sure that you have the following information before beginning the abstract submission process:

  • Information for the presenting author: First and Last Names, Institution(s)/Affiliation(s), Position at Institution(s), Credentials Held, Telephone and Email
  • Accurate author list/order: First and Last Names, and Name of Institution(s)/Affiliations
  • The maximum characters without spaces for your abstract is 3000 (approximately 500 words) for all sections combined.
  • Tables and figures are not permitted.
  • In your abstract, do not reference any names, published studies or institutions (e.g. simply write “our institution” if needed).

View Example of Previous PI Abstract

3. National Innovation Snapshot (Due: January 8, 2025)

Criteria for a National Innovation Snapshot

The National Innovation Snapshot (NIS) is typically in-progress work, or smaller innovation projects that are less well defined in scope and are well suited for a rapid-fire presentation. It is an opportunity for radiation therapists to showcase their local, practice-based innovations to the wider community. A brief 300-word summary is required. 

The top peer-reviewed submissions will be invited to present, with special consideration for 1st time attendees. Submissions from all centres across the country and beyond are highly encouraged. One (1) presenting author per abstract will be granted complimentary admission to the RTi3 2023 Conference. 

Required Sections 

Title, Background, Innovation, Progress/Outcomes


January 8, 2025

Before you begin...

Please make sure that you have the following information before beginning the abstract submission process:

  • Information for the presenting author: First and Last Names, Institution(s)/Affiliation(s), Position at Institution(s), Credentials Held, Telephone and Email
  • Accurate author list/order: First and Last Names, and Name of Institution(s)/Affiliations
  • Make sure your submission is 300 words maximum for all sections combined.
  • Tables and figures are not permitted.
  • In your abstract, do not reference any names, published studies or institutions (e.g. simply write “our institution” if needed).

View Example of Previous NIS Abstract

4. Undergraduate Student Abstracts (Due: January 20, 2025) 

Undergraduate medical radiation sciences students conducting clinical research as part of their studies are encouraged to submit Research Study abstracts. You will be able to identify the abstract as a student submission during the online process. All student abstracts undergo a double blind peer-review. The top rated abstracts will be highlighted in the special Student Stream at the Conference, which the Presenting Author will be required to attend.

Undergraduate student submissions will remain open until January 20, 2025 at midnight EST. Students who do not yet have study data collected by the submission deadline should enter "N/A" in the "Results" and "Conclusions" sections. There will be an opportunity prior to the conference to include the missing text. Please note, undergraduate student abstracts do not qualify for JMIRS Publication. 

Undergraduate students with completed research projects have the option of submitting complete abstracts in the regular stream by not identifying themselves as students during submission. These will be treated as regular submissions, will not be included in the special Student Stream and are subject to the instructions and deadlines outlined above for regular abstracts.

Before you begin...

Please make sure that you have the following information before beginning the abstract submission process:

  • Information for the presenting author: First and Last Names, Institution(s)/Affiliation(s), Position at Institution(s), Credentials Held, Telephone and Email
  • Accurate author list/order: First and Last Names, and Name of Institution(s)/Affiliations
  • Delete any Tables or figures from your abstract (they are not permitted) during this stage. 
  • In your abstract, do not reference any names, published studies or institutions (e.g. simply write “our institution” if needed.)
  • Make sure you're submitting to the Research Study Submission Form below. You will get an opportunity in the form to identify yourself as a student. 

Important Notes

  • All correspondence will be sent to the person submitting the abstract
  • No changes will be permitted to your abstract after submission (except for undergraduate students)
  • Questions should be addressed to: rti3@utoronto.ca 

Submit Your Abstract

You will be redirected to the abstract portal where you can submit your Research Study.

  • Deadline: January 8, 2025
  • Deadline of undergraduate students: January 20, 2025

Submit Your Research Abstract

You will be redirected to the abstract portal where you can submit your Practice Innovation / Initiative.

Deadline: January 8, 2025

Submit Your PI Abstract

You will be redirected to the abstract portal where you can submit your National Innovation Snapshot (NIS).

Deadline: January 8, 2025

Submit Your NIS Abstract

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When and where is the Conference this year? 

The RTi3 Conference 2025 will be held in-person in Toronto on March 21st - 22nd, 2025. Please visit the Registration Page for details regarding time, location, ticket options, registration and policies. 

What happens after I submit an abstract? 

All abstracts will undergo a double blind peer-review process.

When and how will I be notified of the results? 

Results will be emailed in early February to the Correspondence Contact you provided.

What happens if my abstract is selected for the RTi3 Conference? 

The Presenting Author, as identified on your abstract submission form, will be expected to register and attend the Conference to present. We encourage Presenting Authors to take advantage of the Early Bird Ticket Rate, which will end on February 10 at 11:59 PM ET

Accepted abstracts will also be published in Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences (JMIRS).


  • Undergraduate student abstracts do not qualify for JMIRS publication.
  • For National Innovation Snapshot section only, one (1) Presenting Author for each selected National Innovation Snapshot abstract will receive complimentary registration to the RTi3 Conference. 

I have another question. 

Please email rti3@utoronto.ca

Where to now? 

You will be redirected to RTi3 Conference Registration page. 

Get more information about RTi3 Conference goals, program and accreditation.