RTi3 2022 Schedule
Program at a Glance
Click on your area of interest below to jump to that section or scroll down to see the full program.
Friday, May 27, 2022
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM EDT
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM EDT
10:00 AM - 10:10 AM EDT
Conference Start | Welcome Remarks
- UTDRO Chair Welcome | Dr. Fei-Fei Liu
- Conference Chairs Opening Remarks | Darby Erler and Winnie Li

Inquire Keynote Address | Dr. Georgia Halkett
Moderated by Winnie Li
Preparing Patients for Radiotherapy: How can we reduce patient anxiety?
Learning Objectives
- Discover the importance of educating patients prior to treatment.
- Discover methods used to reduce patient anxiety in the ‘RT Prepare’ program.
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM EDT
Proffered Session 1 | Quality & Safety
Moderated by Kitty Chan
State Diagrams to Understand Failure Pathways in Radiation Therapy: A Case Study of ‘Failure to Hold Treatment' - Zaynab Muraj, BSc, MRT(T)
The Radiation Incident Safety Committee Incident Report Guidance Tree: A Tool to Support Provincial and National Incident Sharing - Brian Liszewski, BSc, MRT(T)
- Educating During a Pandemic: Novel Educational Training for Incident Reporting via eLearning in the Radiation Therapy Department - Erika Hammer, MRT(T)
- Developing Radiation Treatment Protocols to Support the Transition to a Quality Based Procedure - Farzana McCallum, MSc., HBHSc.
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM EDT
Proffered Session 2 | Treatment Delivery Innovations
Moderated by Shaziya Malam
- Considerations for the Clinical Implementation of MR-guided ART for Lung Cancer - Abigael Clough, on behalf of Eleanor Pitt, BSc
- Building a Head and Neck SBRT Program on a Strong Foundation: Harmonizing IGRT Practice - Madette Galapin, B.Sc.(Hons), MRT(T)
- Remote Online Image Review for Stereotactic CBCT Treatment Images - Shayne Allum, MRT(T)
- Eliminating Tattoos for Short Course Palliative Radiation Therapy: Set-up Error, Satisfaction and Cost - Joanna Javor, MHSc., CMD, APRT(T)
- Implementing On-Line MR-Linac Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck: Learning from What We Can See - Susana Sabaratnam, BSc, MRT(T)
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Workshop | Connecting Through The Power of Storytelling
Moderated by Mikki Campbell
In this special patient, family and caregiver workshop patients will get the opportunity to share their stories and convey what is meaningful in their care experience. By reflecting on these narratives, Radiation Therapists will garner a greater appreciation of the importance of the human-touch and health advocacy in our everyday work.
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM EDT
Proffered Session 3 | Patient Support & Treatment Outcomes
Moderated by Nawroz Fatima
- Learning in 360 Degrees: The Use of Virtual Reality for Radiation Therapy Patient Education, Merrylee McGuffin, BSc, MRT(T)
- Developing a Framework Addressing the Sexual Health Needs of Patients Treated with Head and Neck Radiation Treatment, Karen Tse, MRT(T)
- Virtually, Anything is Possible: Implementation of an Electronic Patient Reported Outcome Platform Across A Multi-Center Radiation Oncology Department, Natasha McMaster, MRT(T), BSc, MSc.
- The Impact of Dose on Treatment Outcomes in Patients Treated for Brain Metastases with a Hypofractionated Technique on Gamma Knife, Lori Holden, BSc, MRT(T), APRT(T)
- A Review of the Issues Associated with Imaging and Treating Patients with a Larger Body Habitus, Amanda Bolderston, MRT(T) FCAMRT EdD
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM EDT
Rapid-Fire Poster Session
Moderated by Mike Velec
- Breast Cancer Survivorship Experiences Among Ethnic Minority and Low-Income Women: A Simple Literature Review - Shaziya Malam, MHS, MRT(T), CMD
- Reducing Treatment Scheduling Errors in a Radiation Therapy Department - Erika Hammer, MRT(T)
- Considerations for the Clinical Implementation of MR-guided ART for H&N Cancer - Abigael Clough, BSc
- Usage of Regular Safety Surveys to Assess and Improve Safety Culture in the Radiation Treatment Department - Patrick Quinn, HBSc, MRT(T)
- Literature Review: The Effects of Dietary and Pharmaceutical Interventions on Bowel Preparation for Prostate Cancer Irradiation - Paige Lau, BSc, MRT(T)
- The Radiation Incident Safety Committee: Supporting Cancer Programs in the Delivery of High Quality Radiation Treatment - Brian Liszewski, MRT(T), BSc
- Quantifying Distortion on MR Images of Patients with Metallic Hip Prosthesis – Will it Exclude Treatment on an MR Linac? - Lisa McDaid, MClinRes, BSc
- (Almost) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Cannabis Science, But Were Afraid to Ask! - Tara Rosewall, PhD, fCAMRT(T)
- An Artificial Intelligence Framework to Predict Breast Cancer Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy Response - Mateusz Bielecki, CAMPEP Medical Physics Graduate Student
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM EDT
Top Ranked Abstracts 2022 | Inspire, Inquire, Innovate
Moderated by Vickie Kong
- INSPIRE: Implementation and Evaluation of an Online Anatomy, Radiology and Contouring Bootcamp for Radiation Therapists - Krista D'Angelo, MRT(T), MSc
- INQUIRE: A Comparison of Three Different Breath Hold Techniques Used for Reducing Cardiac Dose for Patients Receiving Left-Sided Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy - Anh Hoang, BSc, MRT(T)
- INNOVATE: Improving Access to Proton Treatment in Canada via a Proton Plan Consultation Service: A Use Case Example - Mike Holwell, BSc, MRT(T), CMD

Inter-professional Keynote Address | Dr. Amanda Caissie
Moderated by Darby Erler
Interdisciplinary Collaboration as Key to Success: Pan-Canadian Initiatives Promoting Patient Reported Outcomes in Radiation Oncology
Learning Objectives
- Discuss potential clinical benefits of patient reported outcomes (PRO)
- Increase awareness of pan-Canadian PRO and patient engagement initiatives including CPQR’s guidance documents
- Discuss a multi-centre, interdisciplinary initiative aiming to implement an electronic PRO program
Day 1 End | Closing Remarks
4:40 PM - 4:50 PM EDT
- Co-Chair Closing Remarks | Darby Erler and Winnie Li
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
Friday Night Social | Networking, Prizes & More!
Game experience designed by Brian Liszewski, Madette Galapin, and Kitty Chan
Come on out to and catch up with old friends and strike up conversations with new ones!
To break the ice, we've established a Two Truths, One Lie scavenger hunt with RTi3 committee members. Seek out the committee member on your list to find out their fib, and perhaps, share something about yourself. The first attendee to complete their list correctly will win 50% off next year's conference!
This year's Social will be hosted on a highly interactive platform called GatherTown. Join in to see why CNN, WIRED, and Princeton University can't stop raving about live online interaction on GatherTown.
SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022
10:00 AM - 3:30 PM EDT
Jump to the session you want to see, or scroll down to see the full Saturday program.

Innovate Keynote Address | Dr. William Tran
Moderated by Winnie Li
Development of an Artificial Intelligence Platform for High Risk Breast Cancer
Learning Objectives
- Understand breast cancer diagnosis and management
- Learn about artificial intelligence applications and computational frameworks Objective
- Gain knowledge on machine learning prediction and prognostic models for breast cancer
11:10 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Proffered Session 4 | Enhancing Clinical Operations
Moderated by Ruvette Coelho
- Bringing Care Closer to Home: The Completion of Alberta's Radiation Therapy Corridor Project - Winter Spence, MRT(T)
- Better Care Through Hypofractionation - Christian Boisvert-Huneault, BSc, t.r.o.
- Capturing Patients’ Radiation Therapy Appointment Time Preferences for Incorporation into an AI Auto-Scheduling Program - Anita Vloet, BSc, MRT(T)
- Reimagining Radiation Review Clinics using an Appreciative Inquiry Approach - Darby Erler, presenting on behalf of Mikki Campbell, MRT(T), MHE
- The Rapid Pivot to Sustainable Remote Work in a Large Urban Radiation Therapy Centre: The Covid Silver Lining - Christine Hill, MHM, MRT(T)
11:10 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Student Session
Moderated by Caitlyn Lazar
- From Michener to Middle Earth: a Canadian RT’s Experience Working in New Zealand - Laura Ross, MRT
- General hiring process for MRT[T]’s in Canada - Melissa Diffey, MRT(T)(R)
- Working internationally and MR - Amanda Moreira, MRT(T)(MR)
- MR-integrated Radiation Therapy Training Program - Laura D'Alimonte, MRT(T), BSc, MHSc
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
National Innovation Snapshot (CAMRT-sponsored)
Opening by Karen Morrison, Director of Membership and Events, Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT). Moderated by Brian Liszewski, Merrylee McGuffin, Madette Galapin.
- The "4P Project": Pelvis Prep for Prostate Planning Developing a Digital Welcome Package - Saher Ali, BSc Hons, MRT(T)
- Setup and Treatment Efficiency of 2 Prostate SBRT Rectal Preparation Techniques: Experience from a Community Centre Program Development - Amanda Lamb, BSc, MRT(T)
- Can Bladder Sensation Coaching, Provided by Sonic Coach©, Help Patients Decrease Bladder Volume Variability for Pelvic Radiotherapy and Improve Overall Patient Satisfaction with Daily Treatment? - Raman Dhoot, BSc, MRT(T)
- Cut the cord! Implementation of a Mobile Based Translation Service - Jaclyn Jacques, BSc. MRT(T)
- The Right Care at the Right Time: Development of an Automated Goals of Care Tool - Natalie Rozanec, APRT(T), MRT(T), MSc.
- Learning Together From our Mistakes: Harmonizing Incident Reporting Practice in Radiation Therapy - Gillian Graham, BSc, MRT(T),MHSc
- A Needs Assessment of 2SLGBTQ+ Education for Radiation Therapists at a Canadian Cancer Centre - Paige Lau, BSc, MRT(T)
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM EDT
Proffered Session 5 | Treatment Planning Considerations
Moderated by Madette Galapin
- Quantifying the Geometric and Dosimetric Impact of Inter-Observer Variability for Radiation Oncologists and Radiation Therapists When Contouring the Organs at Risk Within the Upper Abdomen - Andrea Shessel, MSc, BSc, MRT(T), MRT(MR)
- MRI-Guided Intraluminal HDR Brachytherapy for Inoperable Malignant Biliary Tract Obstruction - Saher Ali, BSc(Hons), MRT(T)
- An Evidence-based Approach to the Application of Bladder Filling Criteria at CT Simulation - Jennifer Dang, BSc, MRT(T) (MR)
- The Role of MR Guided Radiotherapy in Rapid Response Palliative Treatment - Rebecca Benson, MPH, BSc
- Dosimetry Between CBCT-guided Translational Correction vs MR-guided Online Adaptation for Prostate Ultra-Hypofractionated Radiotherapy - Vickie Kong, MSc, MRT(T)
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM EDT
Student Rapid-fire Poster Session
Moderated by Martin Chai
- An Analysis of Patient-Reported Side Effects for Palliative Patients Treated with Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) versus Conventional Radiotherapy (CRT) to the Spine - Asvena Sriharan
- Determining Clinical Incidence of Radionecrosis (RN) and The Clinical Factors Associated with it at our Institution - Mauli Shah
- Retrospective Analysis of Bladder Filling vs. Rectum and Bladder Dose Distributions for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Patient’s Receiving EBRT - Caitlyn Lazar
- The Use of Virtual Reality Hypnosis for Prostate Cancer Patients During Transperineal Biopsy and/or Gold Seed Implantation Prior to Radiation Therapy Treatment: A Needs Assessment Study - Jane Wong
- A 5-month Retrospective Repeat Image Analysis on Rescan Rates and Reasons for the Imaging Modalities in The Ottawa Hospital’s Radiation Therapy Department - Daniella Chee
- What are the Perspectives of Radiation Therapists in Alberta on the Continuing Education needed to support the Introduction of MRgRT to Clinical Practice? - Michael Piva
- How Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact the Establishment of Diagnosis in HPV-associated Oropharyngeal Cancer? - Yashi Ballal
- Virtual Integration of Patient Education in Radiotherapy (VIPER) Pilot Study - Matthew Magliozzi
- Evaluating Adaptive Indicators in the Daily Head & Neck Imaging Assessment Form - Jugdip Aulakh

Inspire Keynote Address | Caitlin Gillan
Moderated by Darby Erler
Where the Puck is Going to Be
Learning Objectives
- To recognize how artificial intelligence can be leveraged with strong engagement from radiation therapy as a profession
- To build appreciation for the tools that can equip radiation therapists to be at the forefront of practice change
- To inspire radiation therapists to identify and prepare for what is on the horizon in their practice contexts, to become the thought leaders needed in our profession
Conference End | Closing Remarks
3:20 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
- Co-Chair Closing Remarks | Darby Erler and Winnie Li
The RTi3 2022 Supplemental is now available in the Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences (JMIRS).