RTi3 2023 Program
Program at a Glance
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Friday, March 31, 2023
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
- Welcome Remarks
- Innovate Keynote Address
- Top-Ranked Innovate
- Proffered Session 1: Treatment Planning
- Proffered Session 2: Education
- Patient Session
- Proffered Session 3: Enhancing the Patient Experience
- Student Rapidfire Poster Session
- Top-Ranked Inspire
- Inter-professional Keynote
- Closing Remarks
- Friday Night Social
FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2023
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Social - 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Cody Hall | 9:00 AM - 9:10 AM EDT
Conference Start | Welcome Remarks
- UTDRO Chair Welcome | Dr. Laura Dawson
- Conference Chairs Opening Remarks | Winnie Li and Lori Holden
Dear Colleagues,
It is with anticipation and excitement that we welcome you to the 2023 RTi3 Conference, hosted by the Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto on March 31-April 1, 2023! As Canada’s premiere Radiation Therapy conference, we are committed to Inspire, Inquire and Innovate in the field of Radiation Therapy.
We are fortunate to be back in person this year, being able to interact and network with friends and colleagues face to face. The program is full of fabulous national and international speakers as they look to showcase the research and practice innovation done within their departments. With close to 40 proffered abstracts, topics range from Education and Treatment Planning, to Enhancing the Patient Experience. To inspire the leaders of tomorrow, both a rapid-fire poster session and a fireside discussion panel is dedicated to radiation therapy student attendees. We will also hear from our keynote and top ranked abstract speakers, as they span topics of equity and intersectionality, radiation therapists in clinical trials and implementation of MRI into daily practice. With this lineup of speakers we are certain RTi3 2023 will not disappoint! You can find the submitted abstracts from this year in the online supplement in the Journal of Medical Radiation Imaging and Radiation Sciences.
Continuing on from the success of last year, another patient and caregiver session will take place, titled Our Take: Patients and Caregivers Share their Experience through Digital Storytelling. This workshop gives patients the opportunity to share their stories and convey what is meaningful in their care experience. We hope that by reflecting on these narratives, attendees will garner a greater appreciation of the importance of the human-touch and the need for health advocacy in their everyday work. Additionally, the National Innovation Snapshot, sponsored by the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, will showcase the many initiatives our colleagues are involved in, as they bring their innovations to the forefront.
We thank everyone who had a part in helping to bring this conference back to in-person, and for your continued support. We extend our gratitude to this year’s committee members and numerous abstract reviewers who volunteered their time and expertise to build and uphold the high-quality program for the RTi3 Conference. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 RTi3 conference. You can access up to date conference information by visiting www.RTi3.com.
- Winnie Li and Lori Holden, Co-chairs RTi3 2023

Innovate Keynote Address | Gillian Graham
Moderated by Winnie Li
A Tale of Two Cities: The Development of MR integrated RT Practice in Alberta
Learning Objectives
- Learn about MR integrated RT regulations and practice certification in Alberta
- Discover how stakeholders, partnerships, and operational development influenced the emergence of MR RT in Alberta
Cody Hall | 10:00 AM - 10:30 PM EDT
2023 Top-Ranked - Innovate - Saher Ali, HonsBSc, MRT(T)
Uncovering the Armpit of SBRT: Developing a Harmonized Axillary Node SBRT Protocol
Moderated by Brian Liszewski
Cody Hall | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Concurrent Session
Proffered Session 1 | Treatment Planning
Moderated by Shaziya Malam
Implementation of MRI Only Planning for Prostate SBRT - Stephen Russell, BSc, MRT(T)
Dosimetric Analysis of Patients Receiving Volumetric-Modulated Arc Palliative Radiotherapy to the Thoracic Spine: A Comparison with Conventional Mono-Isocentric Parallel Opposed Pair Treatment - Kori Kilgar, Junior Investigator
- Machine Learning Radiotherapy Automated Planning: Transition to an Ultra-Hypofractionated Prostate Model - Vanessa Wan, BSc, MRT(T)
- A Planning Study in Eclipse to Evaluate the Effect of Aperture Shape Controller on Plan Quality of HyperArc Treatments for Single Brain Lesions - Yixiu Jiang, Junior Investigator
- The Dosimetric Underpinning of Bladder Filling Criteria For Prostate Image-Guided VMAT - Vickie Kong, MSc, MRT(T)
Great Hall | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Concurrent Session
Proffered Session 2 | Education
Moderated by Ruvette Coelho
- Identifying Radiation Therapists’ Perceptions of Potentially Triggering Aspects of Care for Sexual Violence Survivors Undergoing Radiotherapy: A Needs Assessment to Inform Future Education Program Development - Maria Dimopoulos, MBA, RT(T)
- Name it to Claim it: The Role of Psychological Safety in Undergraduate Health Education - Kayli Chen, Junior Investigator
- Creating Pathways to Future Proof our Profession: The Development of a MR-integrated Radiation Therapy Training Program - Laura D’Alimonte, MRT(T), MHSc
- We’re All in this Together: Team-based Simulation to Improve Interprofessional Team Performance in a Cancer Program - Darby Erler, MRT(T), MHSc
- Patient Care Evaluation in Radiotherapy (PACER): Development of a Clinical Chart Audit Tool - Mavis Li, Junior Investigator
Cody Hall | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Patient Session | Our Take: Patients and Caregivers Share their Experience through Digital Storytelling
Moderated by Darby Erler
In this special patient, family and caregiver session, patients will get the opportunity to share their stories and convey what is meaningful in their care experience. By reflecting on these narratives, Radiation Therapists will garner a greater appreciation of the importance of the human-touch and health advocacy in our everyday work.
Cody Hall | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Concurrent Session
Proffered Session 3 | Enhancing the Patient Experience
Moderated by Brandee Pidgeon
- Therapeutic Cannabis Use by Patients with Cancer in Canada: A National Survey of the Experiences, Opinions and Information Needs of Radiation Therapists - Kayli Chen, (Junior Investigator)
- Qualitative Patient Experiences with a Person-Centered vs. Standard Model of Care for Breast Radiation Therapy (PERSON Study) - Vivian Hoang, BSc, MRT(T)
- Examining the Role That Radiation Therapists Have to Enhance Patient Care through Symptom Management - Alyssa Zokvic, BMRSc, MRT(T)
- Prospective Evaluation of Patient-reported Experiences with Adaptive Radiation Therapy on an MR-Linac - Amanda Moreira, BSc, MRT(T)(MR)
- Perspectives From Our Patients: A Current State Needs Analysis for Radiation Therapy Patient Education at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre - Jaclyn Jacques, BSc, MRT(T)
Great Hall | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Concurrent Session
Student Rapid-Fire Poster Session
Moderated by Martin Chai
- A Pilot Study of Assessing Efficacy of Dual Image Registration for Pelvis and Prostate Radiotherapy - Shu Wang
- Exploration of Inter- and Intra-Fractional Dosimetric Variability in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy - Baha Hamzaev
- Exploring the Relationship Between Race and Radiation-Induced Skin Reactions Among Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Literature Review - Eden Endale
- Retrospective Analysis of Plan Quality Indices for De Novo Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) - Mahnoor Ahmed
- Improvement of MRI-guided Interstitial Brachytherapy Plan Consistency and Quality for Cervical Cancer Through Characterization of Dosimetric Parameters - Behrad Khalafi
- Does the Alignment of Daily Treatment Appointments with Patient’s CT Simulation Time Promote Inter-Fraction Consistency in Rectal Organ Volume in Prostate Cancer Patients – an In-house Study - Chae-Lynn Bailey
- Retrospective Analysis on the Effects of the Radiation Therapist YSM Champion Model and its Impact on Social Work and Dietician Referrals - Brittany Conforti
- The Art of Radiation Therapy (ART): A Quality Improvement Initiative - Kayli Chen

Inter-professional Keynote Address | Sharona Bookbinder
Moderated by Lori Holden
Privilege, Intersectionality and Equity in Inter-Professional Research and Healthcare
Learning Objectives
- Recognize privilege and intersectionality in context
- Learn behaviours to eliminate power imbalances
- Bring equitable considerations into clinical practice and everyday life
Day 1 End | Closing Remarks
Cody Hall | 4:50 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
- Co-Chair Closing Remarks | Winnie Li and Lori Holden
SATURDAY, April 1, 2023
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM EDT
Jump to the session you want to see, or scroll down to see the full Saturday program.

Inquire Keynote Address | Yat Man Tsang
Moderated by Lori Holden
The importance of Radiation Therapists in Clinical Trials and Evidence-Based Medicine
Learning Objectives
- Learn about different roles of radiation therapists in clinical trials and evidence-based medicine
- Understand the unique professional perspectives from radiation therapists and their impact on developing evidence-based practice
Cody Hall | 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
2023 Top-Ranked Inquire - Francois Gallant, MRT(T)
Mepitel Film for the Prevention of Acute Radiation Dermatitis in Breast Cancer: A Randomized Multi-Centre Open-Label Phase 3 Trial
Moderated by Michael Velec
Cody Hall | 10:45 AM - 11:45 PM EDT
Concurrent Session
Proffered Session 4 | Mini Orals
Moderated by Nawroz Fatima
- Development of an Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy Framework on an Ethos Treatment Unit - Dave McAloney, BSc, MRT(T)
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Brachytherapy Workflow: a Two-Centre Experience - Kitty Chan, MHSc., MRT(T)
- The Use of Extended CBCTs in the Dosimetric Assessment of Anatomical Changes - Kenny Zhan, BSc, MRT(T)
- Predicting Tumour and Normal Tissue Response During Radiotherapy Using Radiomic Analysis from On-Board Imaging: a Systematic Review - Andrew Luu, BMRSc, MRT(T)
- MRI-Guided Endoluminal HDR Brachytherapy for Recurrent Esophageal Cancer via Nasogastric Approach - Mackenzie Smith, MSc, BSc, MRT(T)
- A Pilot Study on the Gamma Knife ICON: Will the Utilization of a Prototype Standard Head Cushion (PSHC) be a Feasible Immobilization Accessory on the Gamma Knife ICON (GKI) and as Good as the Currently Utilized Head Cushions? - Teresa Cheng, BSc, MRT(T)
- Leadership Rounding: Improving the Patient Experience One Conversation at a Time - Laura D’Alimonte, MRT(T), MHSc
Great Hall | 10:45 AM - 11: 45 PM EDT
Concurrent Session
Student Session | Panel Discussion
Moderated by Student Working Group
Cody Hall | 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
National Innovation Snapshot (CAMRT-sponsored)
Opening by Irving Gold, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT). Moderated by Brian Liszewski, Merrylee McGuffin, Madette Galapin.
- The MRT Voice in Championing Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Radiation Medicine - Caitlin Gillan, MRT(T) MEd PhD FCAMRT
- Virtual Cart Boards for Supplies - Ruvette Coelho, MBA, MRT(T)
- Radiation Treatment Department Collaboration with Diagnostic for CT Simulation During a Planned Replacement of a Stand-alone CT Simulator at a Regional Cancer Centre - Chris Kwong, HBsc, MRT(T)
- Integrating Digital Media into the Radiation Therapy Clinic (Modernizing our Music) - Ryan Hyvarinen, BSc MRT(T), MHM
- Is it All Fun, Games and Free Food? How Fun and Play Impact Stress and Coping; our Halloween and MRT Week Experience at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre - Jaclyn Jacques, BSc, MRT(T)
- Can't Stop the Feeling: Celebrating Patient Experience - Carmen Chan, BMRSc, MRT(T) ) and Yannie Lai, HBSc, MRT(T)
Cody Hall | 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM EDT
Proffered Session 5 | Advancing Practice
Moderated by Kitty Chan
- The Impact of a Modified Bladder Acceptance Criterion on the CT-simulation Rescan Rate for Prostate Radiotherapy Jennifer Dang, Bsc, MRT(T)(MR)
- Assessing the Current Same-Day Process for Palliative Radiotherapy: How Well Are We Doing? Joanna Javor, APRT(T), CMD, MHSc
- Filling the Gap: Improving Communication Between the Dentistry and Radiotherapy Departments Madette Galapin, BSc (Hons), MRT(T)
- Exploring Barriers to MRT(T) Participation in Multidisciplinary Clinical Practice Groups; A Survey Study Kelly Linden, MRT(T), MSc in Supportive & Palliative Care

Inspire Keynote Address | Lisa Di Prospero
Moderated by Winnie Li
When One Door Closes, Another Opens: Accepting the Agony of Defeat and Embracing the Excitement of the Unknown
Learning Objectives
- Explore the meaning of innovation beyond its literal meaning
- Describe elements of opportunity, big and small
- Understand the transformative journey of transitioning success from self to them
- Explore the reciprocity of mentee to mentor to mentee
Conference End | Closing Remarks
3:20 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
- Co-Chair Closing Remarks | Winnie Li and Lori Holden
Thank you for the generous support of our Sponsors: