Rachel Glicksman

- BMSc, Western University
- MD, Queen’s University
- MSc, University of Toronto
- FRCPC, Radiation Oncology
Research Synopsis
- Prostate cancer
- Testis cancer
- Breast cancer
- Clinical trials
- Health services
Recent Publications
Boormans JL, Sylvester R, Anson-Cartwright L, Glicksman RM, Hamilton RJ, Hahn E, Daugaard G, Lauritsen J, Wagner T, Avuzzi B, Nicolai N, Del Muro XG, Aparicio J, Stalder O, Rothermundt C, Fischer S, Laguna MP. Prognostic Factor Risk Groups for Clinical Stage I Seminoma: An Individual Patient Data Analysis by the European Association of Urology Testicular Cancer Guidelines Panel and Guidelines Office. Eur Urol Oncol. Nov 2023.
Glicksman RM, Murad V, Santiago AT, Liu Z, Ramotar M, Metser U, Berlin A. Oligometastasis in Prostate Cancer: Can We Learn from Those "Excluded" from a Phase 2 Trial? Eur Urol Open Sci. May 2023.
Li W, Padayachee J, Navarro I, Winter J, Dang J, Raman S, Kong V, Berlin A, Catton C, Glicksman R, Malkov V, McPartlin A, Kataki K, Lindsay P, Chung P. Practice-based training strategy for therapist-driven prostate MR-Linac adaptive radiotherapy. Tech Innov Patient Support Radiat Oncol. May 2023.
Safavi AH, Berlin A, Glicksman RM. Late Toxicities of Prostate Radiotherapy: Can We Further SMARTen Up the Therapeutic Index? Eur Urol Focus. May 2023.
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto
Staff Radiation Oncologist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre