Mary Gospodarowicz

- MD, University of Toronto
- FRCPC, Radiation Oncology
- FRCR(Hon), Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists, UK
Research Synopsis
- NCIC Clinical Trials Group
- PR.3-Phase III trial of hormone therapy vs. hormones plus pelvic RT in T3N0M0 prostate cancer
- PR.7 – Phase III trial of intermittent vs. continuous hormone therapy in prostate cancer with biochemical progression after RT
- Phase II study of CMT in primary testicular lymphoma, International Extranodal Lymphoma Group
- PMH – Image guided radiotherapy
Recent Publications
Gospodarowicz M, Cazap E, Jadad AR. Cancer in the world: A call for international collaboration. Salud Publica de Mexico 51(S2):S305-8, January 2009.
Gospodarowicz MK. Hodgkin’s lymphoma-patients assessment and staging. Cancer Journal 15(2):138-42, March-April 2009.
Martinelli G, Gigli F, Calabrese L, FErruci PF, Zucca E, Crosta C, Pruneri G, Preda L, Piperno G, Gospodarowicz M, Cavalli F, Moreno Gomez H. Early stage gastric diffuse large B-cell lymphomas; results of a randomized trial comparing chemotherapy alone versus chemotherapy + involved field radiotherapy. Leuk Lymphoma, 50(6):925-31, 2009
Denis LJ, Gospodarowicz MK. Predictive modeling in prostate cancer. Conclusions and reflections. Cancer 115(13Suppl):3160-2, July 2009.
Tolan S, Vesprini D, Jewett MA, Warde PR, O’Malley M, Panzarella T, Sturgeon JF, Moore M, Tew-George B, Gospodarowicz MK, Chung PW. No role for routine chest radiography in stage I seminoma surveillance. Eur Urol June 2009.
Bayley A, Rosewall T, Craig T, Bristow R, Chung P, Gospodarowicz M, Menard C, Milosevic M, Warde P, Catton C. Clinical application of high-dose, image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy in high-risk prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Bio Phys Sep 2009
Nichol AM, Warde PR, Lockwood GA, Kirilova AK, Bayley A, Bristow R, Crook J, Gospodarowicz M, McLean M, Milosevic M, Rosewall T, Jaffray DA, Catton CN. A cinematic magnetic resonance imaging study of Milk of Magnesia laxative and an antiflatulent diet to reduce intrafraction prostate motion. Int J Radiat Oncol Bio Phys. Sep 2009
Warde P, Gospodarowicz M. Evolving concepts in stage I seminoma. Brit J Urol 104(9 Pt B):1357-61, Nov 2009.
Martin JM, Bayley A, Bristow R, Chung P, Gospodarowicz M, Menard C, Milosevic M, Rosewall T, Warde PR, Catton CN. Image guided dose escalated prostate radiotherapy: Still room to improve. Radiother Oncol 3;4(1):50, Nov 2009.
Consultant Staff, Princess Margaret Hospital/University Health Network
Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto
Chair, Prognostic Factors and TNM Process Task Force, International Union Against Cancer (UICC)
Member, Board of Directors, International Extranodal Study Group
Member, Board of Directors, City Cancer Challenge Foundation