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Clinical Interests
- Any -
"Analysis of treatment techniques, patient safety though automation
"Analysis of treatment techniques, patient safety though automation
"Spine SBRT, Patient-Reported Outcomes,
(spine, bone, lung, other soft tissues)
4D imaging for treatment planning
4D-CT imaging for lung
Abdominal and pelvic MRI Therapeutic response assessment
Accessibility and delivery of quality patient-centred care
Adaptive radiation therapy
Adaptive radiation therapy for gynecological cancers
Adaptive radiation therapy for gynecological cancers using image-guidance
Adaptive radiation therapy for lunch cance
Adaptive radiation therapy for lung cancer
Adaptive radiation using the MR-Linac
Adaptive radiation, MR-guided radiation, Gamma Knife, pediatric oncology, central nervous system oncology, pituitary tumours, toxicity, outcomes
adaptive radiotherapy
adaptive radiotherapy.
adult central nervous system tumours
Adult Radiation Late Effects Clinic
Advanced practice for radiation therapy
Advancement of radiation medicine through the integration of novel technologies
Anal and rectal cancer
Analysis of treatment techniques, patient safety though automation
Analysis of treatment techniques, patient safety though automation
Analysis of treatment techniques, patient safety though automation, and
Analysis of treatment techniques, patient safety though automation, and improvement in
and bladder cancer
and GI tract
and improvement in in workflow productivity by
and improvement in workflow productivity by
and improvement in workflow productivity by forecasting
and improvement in workflow productivity by forecasting
and organizational development
and pediatric malignancies
Anthology of outcome for head and neck cancers
Application of advanced MRI techniques to radiation therapy
Application of methods from control theory to design adaptive strategies for radiation therapy based on quantitative imagine information
Artificial intelligence
Assessment of acute and late toxicity after radiation therapy
Automated tangenital breast IMRT
automation in radiation therapy
Automation in radiotherapy
Automation, Optimization, Operations research, Treatment response prediction
Bio-statistics Measurement & classificatio
Biologic imaging
Biologically adaptive radiation therapy
Biologically guided Radiotherapy
Biomedical optics
Biomedical optics for detection of disease
Bladder cancer
Brachytherapy for penile cancer
Brachytherapy physics
Brachytherapy, Automated knowledge based treatment planning
Brain Metastases
Breast cancer
Breast cancer, Late effects of cancer treatment
breast cancers
Breast Clinic
Breast radiation therapy
Breast radiation therapy delivery processes
Cancer imaging
Cancer prevention and early detection
Cancer staging
Cancer staging and prognostic factors
Cancer survivorship
Cardiac imaging
Central nervous system tumours
Central nervous system tumours and stereotactic radiosurgery
Central Nervous System tumours, including malignant primary tumours of the brain and spine as well as metastatic tumours
challenges and opportunities around clinical-based research
Chromatin Structure
Clinical and professional education
clinical application of IMRT
Clinical applications of machine learning
Clinical behaviour and outcome of HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas
Clinical education
Clinical education and assessment
Clinical guidelines development
Clinical implementation of new radiation medicine treatment technologies including mixed-beam electron-photon radiation therapy and low-cost proton therapy.
Clinical Radiobiology
Clinical sites: GU
Clinical teaching and evaluation
Clinical teaching model
Clinical teaching models
Clinical trials
Clinical trials design
Clinical trials methodology
Clinical Trials, Preceptorship
clinical workload and resource management.
clinical workload and resource management.
Clinical-gynecologic oncology
CNS, breast and oligometastatic malignancies
Combined image guided surgery and radiation planning
Combined radiation and chemotherapy
Cone-beam CT
Cone-beam CT imaging for treatment planning
Conformal external RT technologies
conformal planning
Continuing education
Continuing education and professional development
Continuing staff education
Continuous quality improvement
Contributing to the growth of Radiation Therapy as an evidence-based profession through education
Conventional and web publishing
Costing System-wide implementation of clinical standards
Creating a research culture for Radiation Therapists
Creating an academic culture for Radiation Therapists
CT & PET Imaging during RT to determine dosimetric benefits of re-planning NSCLC
CT imaging
Cut-score Methodologies
Deformable Image Registration
Developing high precision pelvic radiotherapy practice through the use of multimodality image registration
Development and implementation of MRI simulator for radiotherapy planning and treatment response
Development of evidence based guidelines for IMRT/IGRT in the treatment of sarcomas
Development of high-precision radiation techniques for the treatment of GU and soft tissue malignancies
Distance Education
distortion analysis
distortion analysis; Precision radiotherapy for prostate cancer; Prostate motion; Online portal imaging; Skin dosimetry
Dose-volume analyses of treatment outcomes and normal tissue toxicity following radiotherapy
Dosimetry in external magnetic field (MR-linac systems)
Dosimetry of nanoparticle radiosensitizers
Dosimetry of precision radiation therapy including IMRT
Dosimetry of small radiation beams as used in IMRT
Drug delivery
Dual-energy imaging
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Electron beam dosimetry
Endocrine Malignancies
Endocrine neoplasms
Endovascular brachytherapy
error elimination
Error prevention in radiation oncology
Ethical considerations
Ethical considerations for palliative patients
Ethical issues and decision making in radiation therapy
Exploring radiation therapists’ perceived values
External beam treatment planning
Extracranial radiosurgery (liver
Extracranial stereotactic radiosurgery and 3D conformal/IMRT techniques
Eye cancer
Finite Element Modeling and Analysis
Finite Elements Methods
forecasting clinical workload and resource management.
forecasting clinical workload and resource management.
Functional cone beam CT using dynamic contrast enhancement techniques
Functional imaging
Functional Imaging (PET)
functional imaging of cancer using MRI and CT
Functional imaging to model tumour vascularity and microenvironment to monitor radiation treatment response
Functional imaging to model tumour vascularity and radiation treatment response
Fundamental limits of x-ray imaging
Gastroenterological cancers, endocrine cancers, neuroendocrine cancers
Gastrointestinal and CNS tumours
Gastrointestinal and genitourinary malignancies; Stereotactic body radiotherapy; MRI-guided radiotherapy and HIFU/hyperthermia
Gastrointestinal cancer
gastrointestinal cancers
Gastrointestinal malignancies
Gastrointestinal oncology
Gender and health
Gender Differences in Physics Education
Genitourinary and Gynecological Malignancies
Genitourinary cancer
genitourinary cancers
Genitourinary EBRT
Genitourinary malignancies
Genitourinary oncology
Genitourinary oncology; Breast oncology
Genitourinary tumors
Geometric accuracy using lung image-guided radiation therapy
Geriatric Oncology
GI and GU malignancies
GI Malignancies
GI malignancies and colorectal cancers
GI tumours
Global cancer
global health
GU tumours
Gyn / GU / teaching
Gynaecological and breast cancer
gynecologic brachytherapy
Gynecologic cancer
Gynecologic cancers
Gynecologic Malignancies
gynecologic oncology
Gynecologic tumors
Gynecological cancers
Gynecological malignancies
HDR brachytherapy
HDR brachytherapy for gynecological cancers
Head and neck
Head and neck cancer
Head and Neck Cancer, GU Cancer, Skin Cancer
Head and Neck Cancers
Head and neck cancers, metastatic cancers
Head and neck malignancies
Health services research
Health utility and medical decision making
Helical tomotherapy
hematologic malignancies
Hematological malignancies
High Dose Rate Brachytherapy
High Precision Radiation Therapy using Novel X-Ray Energies
High precision radiotherapy
Highly conformal radiation therapy
Hodgkin’s disease
Hypofractionation for lung and prostate cancers
I-125 prostate seed implant brachytherapy
Identification of molecular markers of tumor hypoxia
Identification of molecular targets and pharmaceutical agents for cancer therapy
Image co-registration for radiation therapy planning
Image guidance by MRI Radiotherapy quality assurance
Image guided brachytherapy
image guided delivery and the objective quantification of radiotherapy related toxicity
Image guided gamma knife Perfexion
Image guided intensity modulated therapy
Image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy of head and neck cancers
Image-guided radiation therapy
Image-guided radiation therapy, MRI in radiation therapy
Image-guided radiotherapy
Image-guided stIGRT
Impact of computer information systems on radiation oncology administration and practice
Implementation of new technology to improve the precision of sarcoma radiotherapy
Implementation of protocols and processes for IGRT
improvement in workflow productivity but forecasting clinical
Improving Access to Care, Community Outreach
Improving knowledge exchange through new technologies
IMRT for head and neck cancer
IMRT QC measurements
IMRT treatment planning and complexity
IMRT/VMAT implementation
in workflow productivity by forecasting clinical workload and
including image fusion and robotics
Information and new technology for education
Information systems in radiation oncology
Information systems in radiation oncology and radiotherapy
Integration of MRI in radiation therapy
Intensity modulated proton therapy
intensity modulated radiation therapy of prostate and gastrointestinal cancers
intensity modulation and adaptive strategy
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Interprofessional collaboration
Interprofessional education
Interprofessional education and collaboration
Interprofessional education and collaborative practice
Interprofessional education and curriculum development
Interprofessional Education and Practice
Interprofessional practice and education in radiation medicine
Interprofessionalism; online Inter-professional education (IPE); curriculum development; instructional design.
Interventional MRI
Interventional oncology and brachytherapy
Intraoperative dosimetry
Inverse planning optimization
Inverse treatment planning and optimization
Ion chambers
Journal reviews
LDR & HDR brachytherapy for prostate cancer
Learning differences
Learning styles/needs and assessment
Locally Advanced Prostate cancer
low-cost proton therapy
Lung and ENT malignancies
Lung cancer
Lung cancer and thoracic malignancies
Lung malignancies and gastrointestinal maligancies
lung tumor and normal thoracic structure motion
Machine learning
Magnetic resonance imaging MRI
Magnetic shielding
Maintaining Clinical Competence
Malignancies of head
Malignant spinal cord compression
Management of cervix cancer
Management of primary and secondary tumours of the CNS
Management of tumours of the thyroid
Mechanisms of mRNA translation
Medical education
Medical imaging and treatment monitoring
Medical student & Resident Education
Metastases, including ‘oligo-metastases, palliative radiation therapy
mixed-beam electron-photon radiation therapy
Molecular and cellular responses to hypoxia
Monte Carlo simulation and graphical user interface development
Motion management
MR image distortions
MR simulation
MR Spectroscopy of brain and prostate
MR-guided brachytherapy for prostate and cervix cancer; Uncertainties in dose delivery in HDR brachytherapy; Effect of organ motion and filling on plan quality in HDR brachytherapy for cervical cancer
MR-guided radiotherapy
MRI biomarkers
MRI guidance for external beam radiation therapy
MRI guided radiation therapy
MRI integration in radiation therapy
MRI-guided radiation therapy (MRIgRT)
MRI-only radiation treatment planning
MRI/MRS applications in prostate cancer
MRIgRT equipment design
Multi-modality imaging for radiotherapy
Multimodality imaging
Multimodality imaging in treatment planning
Multimodality imaging in treatment; planning 4D-CT imaging for lung
Multiple myeloma
Mycosis Fungoides
n Emotions and the cancer experience
Navigation tools for Brachytherapy
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Non-melanomatous and Melanomatous skin cancer
Normal tissue complication probability modeling of liver complications
Normal tissue radiation injury
Normal tissue radiation toxicity
Novel applications of treatment planning
Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE) for radiation therapy student
Ocular and head & neck malignancies
Ocular and head & neck malignancies, gynecological malignancies, brachytherapy, hematological malignancies, stereotactic body radiotherapy, brachyablation
oligometastatic disease, palliative radiation and supportive care,
On-line quality assurance system
Oncology health services research
online Inter-professional education (IPE)
Online planning
Optical and radiation biophysics
Optimization of penumbra and energy selection
Organ motion modeling and biological planning for radiotherapy
Outcomes research
Paediatric cancers
Pain Management
Palliative care
Palliative care in radiation oncology
Palliative radiation oncology
Palliative radiation therapy
Palliative radiation therapy, oligometastases
Palliative radiotherapy
Palliative Radiotherapy, Advanced Practice Radiation Therapy
Palliative Radiotherapy, Advanced Practice Radiation Therapy,
Pancreatic and hepatobiliary cancers
Patient care/patient education
Patient education
Patient education. Staff training and professional development. Skin care for Radiation Therapy patients.
Patient positioning systems
Patient preferences: measurement and application
Patient specific QA
Patterns of care of vulvar carcinoma
Patterns of health care utilization at the end of life
Pediatric oncology
Pelvic radiation therapy
Permanent Breast Seed Implant Brachytherapy
PET Imaging
PET Imaging for radiation therapy
PET in head and neck cancer
pituitary and the gastrointestinal tract
Planning Target Volume definition
Portal imaging
Positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging in treatment planning
Pre-clinical MRI operations/consulting (7T Bruker Biospec
Preceptorship in the clinical environment
Precision radiotherapy with the use of stereotactic, adaptive and image-guided radiation, and molecular diagnostics to guide radiotherapy management, and drug-based radiosensitizers
Prevention and early detection
Primary CNS malignancies
Primary CNS malignancies, Brain Metastases, GU, Breast, SBRT
process analysis
professional development, patient education, image guided radiation therapy
Prostate and Genitourinary Cancers
Prostate brachytherapy
prostate cancer
Prostate cancer drug therapy
Prostate cancer imaging
Prostate cancer IMRT
Prostate cancer: management
Prostate implantation
Prostate SABR
Psychometrics of Professional Licensure Examinations
Quality assurance
Quality Assurance Program in the Regulated Health Professions
Quality control in radiotherapy and application of quality principles
Quality management
Quality management in radiation oncology
quality of care
quality of life
Quality of life for palliative patients
Quality of life Symptom management and assessment
Quantification and evaluation of organ motion and deformation
Quantification of respiratory-induced organ motion and deformation
Quantification of Tumor Treatment Response Using Modeling and Imaging-Based Approaches
Quantification of tumour treatment response using modeling and imaging-based approaches
Quantitative assessment of treatment response
Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers
Quantitative MRI
r On-line image guided radiation therapy
r Quality assurance
Radiation dosimetry
Radiation fractionation schedules
Radiation induced bystander effects
Radiation late effects
Radiation safety
Radiation Therapy
Radiation Therapy Clinical Operations
Radiation therapy education
Radiation therapy education; Interprofessional education and collaboration; Treatment delivery
Radiation therapy for breast cancer and soft tissue sarcomas
Radiation treatment planning systems
Radiobiological modeling
Radiobiology for high dose fractionation
radiosurgery for brain metastases
Radiotherapy complications
Radiotherapy delivery in a community setting
Radiotherapy for metastatic disease
Real-time monitoring of treatment delivery in IMRT or fully-automated treatments
Reflection and Reflective Practice
Reflective practice and portfolio development
Regional Monte Carlo as applied to IMRT
Regulation of cancer cell metabolism
Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis and secretory capacity
Regulation of hypoxia-induced differential gene expression
Reirradiation of cancer relapses
Remediation strategies and supporting student success
Renal cancer imaging
Research in clinical practice
Research mentoring
resource management.
Respiratory gated lung PET
Respiratory gating
Role of palliative and supportive care in cancer patients
s Creating a research culture for Radiation Therapists
s IMRT planning
SBRT for lung/prostate tumours and oligometastases
Self-managed access to personalized health information through e-health records
Sexual function and sexuality in women after cancer treatment
sexual health in women after radiotherapy treatment
Simulated learning environments
Skin cance
Skin cancer
Skin dosimetry
Small field dosimetry
Small-animal irradiation and preclinical model
Soft tissue and bone sarcomas, Uveal melanoma
spinal cancers
Spinal cord myelopathy
spine SBRT
Spine SBRT, Patient-Reported Outcomes
Spine SBRT, Patient-Reported Outcomes, Improving Access to Care, Community Outreach
Statistical process control in quality assurance
stereotactic body radiation.
stereotactic body radiotherapy
Stereotactic body radiotherapy for breast and gynecological cancers
Stereotactic radiation (SRS/SBRT) to brain and spine tumours
Stereotactic radiation therapy
Stereotactic radiosurgery
Stereotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy
stereotactic radiosurgery for benign neoplasms
Stereotactic radiosurgery/IMRT treatment planning and techniques
Stereotactic radiotherapy
stomach; Analysis of lung tumor and normal thoracic structure motion due to breathing; MR simulation
STTARR Innovation Centre)
Survivorship Research
Systematic reviews
Systems for preclinical image-guided irradiation
Target identification
Testicular Seminoma
Testis cancer
Testis tumours
the consequence of small volumes receiving high doses to predict for organ dysfunction
Thoracic and Upper GI Malignancies
Thoracic and Upper GI Malignancies, Treatment Planning & Delivery, Patient Assessment & Quality of Life, Clinical Trials, Preceptorship
Thoracic malignancies
Thoracic SBRT
Thymomas Palliative radiotherapy
Tissue inhomogeneity in embolized AVMs
Translational research and models of normal tissue toxicity
Translational studies
Treatment of spinal/paraspinous tumours
Treatment Planning & Delivery, Patient Assessment & Quality of Life
Treatment planning for gamma knife radiosurgery
Treatment planning workflow
Treatment verification
Treatment verification utilizing electronic portal imaging devices and online 3D imaging
Tumour hypoxia
Tumours of the eye and orbit
Ultra-hypofractionated Radiation Therapy
Ultrasound Imaging and Spectroscopy
Underlying physics of radio-sensitizing agents
Upper gastrointestinal system cancer
Use of personalized communication tools at different phases of treatment to enhance patient information
volumetric modulated arc therapy
with a focus on hepatobiliary carcinoma and liver metastases
workload and resource management.
Workplace learning
Wound care management / assessment using novel molecular imaging technology for soft tissue sarcoma patients
Research Interests
- Any -
Advanced Practice Radiation Therapy: International Perspectives,
& risk factors in cervical cancer patients treated with radiation therapy
3D conformal
3D printing for superficial treatments
Adaptive radiation therapy
Adaptive radiation therapy for lung cancer
Adaptive Radiation Using the MR-LINAC
Adaptive radiation, MR-guided radiation, Gamma Knife, pediatric oncology, central nervous system oncology, pituitary tumours, toxicity, outcomes
Adaptive radiotherapy
adrenal glands and lymph nodes; Early phase studies of MRI-guided radiotherapy and HIFU/hyperthermia for patients with rectal cancer
advocacy for health equity, population-based research.
Analysis of patient positioning systems
Analysis of radiation-induced side effects for patients treated with palliative radiotherapy to the spine
Analysis of radiation-induced side effects for patients treated with palliative radiotherapy to the spine
and BrachyVision planning systems
and more particularly on oropharyngeal cancer (OPC).
and radiomics
and tumours involving the liver
Application of automated tools for quality improvements
artificial intelligence
Automated planning and quality assurance
Basic and translational research in sarcoma and radiation biology
Benjamin’s laboratory research will focus on understanding the mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in lung cancer with an emphasis on the contribution of altered DNA repair pathways.
Biomarkers and therapeutics for normal tissue toxicity
biomechanical models
Biomedical optics for diagnosis of brain cancer
Biophotonics systems for diagnostics and therapeutic applications with radiation
Blood-based biomarkers
Brachytherapy and gynecology
Brachytherapy for gynaecological cancer and prostate cancer
breast and GI malignancies
Breast cancer
Calibration and inspection of radiotherapy system
Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy
cancer genomics
Cancer Mechanisms and Models
Cancer Survivorship
cancers, innovative treatment for oligometastatic and other metastatic
Circulating tumour DNA
Clinical research in sarcomas
Clinical trials
Clinical trials, Information system
Co-investigator on multiple Phase I/II clinical trials aimed at introducing novel radiation techniques into clinical use
Continuous quality improvement and efficiency of systems
Custom 3D printed applicator models for brachytherapy
deformable image registration
Developing and optimizing minimally invasive ablative therapeutics, as well as development of robust and adaptive radiotherapies, including novel implementations on the MR-Linac system
Development of an inverse treatment planning system for intensity-modulated proton therapy
disease to improve patient outcome and quality-of-life
DNA damage and repair, breast cancer
dose accumulation
Dose reconstruction
Dynamic radiation treatment delivery; Free breathing 4D-CT imaging; MR simulation-based IMRT for prostate cancer; High dose CT imaging to enhance prostate delineation
Education, practice-based research, prostate and breast cancers
Endometrial cancer – treatment and patterns of relapse; the role of local and regional radiation in node positive or high risk node negative breast cancer following systemic therapy
Establishing RTOG accreditation for Credit Valley Hospital
Fundamental radiation interaction studies, new detector technologies, compact particle acceleration methods
Gastroenterological cancers, endocrine cancers, neuroendocrine cancers
Geriatric Oncology
Global Health
Global oncology
Global oncology, brachytherapy, innovations in adaptive & ablative radiotherapy
Gyn – GU – clinical
Gynecological cancer
HDR and PDR brachytherapy techniques for genitourinary and gynecologic malignancies MRI-guided
Head & neck cancers
head and neck cancer biology and biomarkers
Health Literacy
Health Professions Education
High precision RT
High-precision radiotherapy and novel imaging techniques for soft-tissue sarcomas and prostate cancer.
hypoxia and reoxygenation
Image guided brachytherapy for gynecologic malignancies Photodynamic therapy skin cancer
Image-guided brachytherapy
Image-guided brachytherapy for gynecological, genitourinary and breast carcinomas
Image-guided radiation therapy, MRI in radiation therapy
Imaging Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer
Imaging biomarkers for prostate cancer; imaging response for brain metastases; adaptive radiation using the MR-Linac; spine SBRT outcomes
Imaging Response for Brain Metastases
Imaging systems for external beam radiation therapy
Improving access to radiation therapy treatment/care
Improving quality of care for palliative radiotherapy patients
in cancer treatment, response prediction and toxicity monitoring
Information system
Innovations in adaptive & ablative radiotherapy
Intraoperative tumour margin evaluation using a novel beta particle detector
low temperature plasma
Lung cancer
Machine vision and artificial intelligence
mixed modality, photon and electron treatment
Monitoring response to treatment
Monte Carlo and data science methods
Monte Carlo dosimetry using Geant4 for conventional and MR Linac technologies
Monte Carlo methods for radiation transport
MR guided breast brachytherapy
MR-guided brachytherapy optimization of technique and applicators,
MRI lympography using ultrasmall particles of iron oxide in pelvic malignancies
MRI-guided radiation therapy
Multimodal therapy for Mesothelioma
novel approaches to radiation therapy, interprofessional care/education and patient engagement
Novel nanoparticle-based therapeutics
Novel radiation dosimetry methods
oligometastatic disease. Use of advanced imaging technology
Oncology health services research
operations research
Paediatric brain tumours; reducing late effects of treatment; re-irradiation
palliative medicine
Pancreatic and hepatobiliary cancer biology
Paraspinal SBRT
Patient access to care
Patient education. Skin care for Radiation Therapy patients. Reflective practice and portfolio development.
Patient reported outcomes
Patient Self-Management
Patient-Reported Outcomes/Quality of Life
Patient-Reported Outcomes/Quality of Life, Patient Self-Management, Smoking Cessation Quality Initiatives and Education
patterns of care of vulvar carcinoma
patterns of health care utilization at the end of life
Personalized adaptive & interventional oncology
Personalized radiation therapy for head and neck and metastatic
PET and MR imaging for treatment adaptation and tumour response modelling
planning, deformable image registration, morbidity
Point-based fibre-optic real-time patient dosimetry; Self-calibrating dosimeters
population-based analyses
process improvement
Prostate cancer; Testis cancer; Breast cancer; Clinical trials; Health services
quality improvement
quality of care
quality of life research in patients with oligometastatic cancer
quantification of organ motion
Radiation & drug combinations
Radiation Therapist Advanced Practice
Radiation Therapist Education and Training
radiation therapy
Radiotherapy Big Data analysis
Radiotherapy trial quality assurance
Radiotherapy-drug interactions using molecular biomarker analysis
ring and tandem as well as interstitial gynecologic brachytherapy Eclipse
SBRT for oligometastatic disease, especially spinal
sexual function and sexuality in women after cancer treatment
Smoking Cessation Quality Initiatives and Education
Software application development for medical physics, Automation
Spatial computing to improve cancer care
spine metastases
SRT radiation therapy techniques LDR
Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for patients with kidney and prostate cancer
Stereotactic radiotherapy for treatment of oligometastasis and oligoprogression in breast cancer and qynecologic cancers
Technical factors in pre-clinical small animal imaging with SPECT and PET at the STTARR Innovation Centre
Technical radiotherapy. MR Imaging, Hypoxia, Big Data, Toxicity Mitigation
The mission of the Lok laboratory is to improve outcomes for lung cancer patients by understanding mechanisms of resistance and developing novel therapeutic strategies, particularly those related to DNA repair
The treatment of head and neck cancers
therapeutic effects of radiotherapy in combination with targeted therapy/immunotherapy
Translational research
Translational research, tumour biomarkers
Treatment planning system algorithms for a hybrid MRI-linear accelerator
tumor microenvironment
Tumor modeling and adaptive radiotherapy
Undergraduate Interprofessional education; remediation
Using health technology assessment within oncology to help inform decision-making at the point-of-care and at the policy level to ensure maximizing value for money
versus conventional planning techniques, Advanced Practice Radiation Therapy: International Perspectives
versus conventional planning techniques, Advanced Practice Radiation Therapy: International Perspectives,
- Any -
Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre - Credit Valley Hospital
Lakeridge Health Oshawa
MaRS Discovery District
Odette Cancer Centre - Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Royal Victoria Hospital
Simcoe Muskoka Regional Cancer Program
Stronach Regional Cancer Centre - Southlake Regional Health Centre
The Michener Institute of Education at UHN
Toronto Medical Discovery Tower
- Any -
Please contact Faculty Member for more information
Summer Students
- Any -
Assistant Professor
Bei Bei Zhang
MESc, PhD,
Research Interests
Application of automated tools for quality improvements
Clinical Interests
IMRT/VMAT implementation, Continuous quality improvement, Stereotactic radiosurgery
(416) 946-4501 - ext:
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Education & Continuing Education
Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiation Sciences
Radiation Therapy
Radiological Technology
Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Technology
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Shifana's Story
Medical Physics Residency
How to Apply
Residency Sites
Carlo Fidani Regional Cancer Centre
Durham Regional Cancer Centre
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Odette Cancer Centre
Stronach Regional Cancer Centre
Radiation Oncology Residency
Program Overview
Resources for Current Residents
CBD Curriculum Information
Radiation Oncology Fellowship
How to Apply
Resources for Fellows
Visiting and Elective Residents and Fellows
Clinical and Experimental Radiobiology Course
Radiobiology Course 2025 Schedule
Radiobiology Course 2024 Sponsors
Radiobiology Course 2025 Sponsors
MR-integrated Radiation Therapy Training Program
Entrance Requirements and Admission Procedures
Program Policies
Learner Mistreatment
Electives and Observerships
MSc and PhD
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Post-Grad Graduation and Awards Ceremony
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Evening Series
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RTi3 Conference
RTi3 2025 Call for Abstract
RTi3 2025 Program Schedule
RTi3 2025 Registration & Policies
RTi3 2025 Speakers
RTi3 2025 Sponsors
RTi3 2025 Webinar
Research Day
Research Day 2024 Keynote Speaker
Research Day 2024 Presentation Guidelines
Research Day 2024 Program Schedule
Research Day 2024 Sponsors
Target Insight Conference
ASTRO Alumni Reception
ESTRO Alumni Reception
Collaborative Research Seed Grant Competition
Research Areas
Research Facilities
Faculty & Staff
Faculty Directory
Information for Faculty
Academic Appointment Request
Benefits for Full-time and Full-time Equivalent Clinicians
Conflict of Interest Declarations
Continuing Appointment Review
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Awards
CPD Discovery & Ideas Grants
Cross Appointments
Departmental Awards
Expense Reimbursement for Faculty
External Faculty Awards
External Trainee Awards
Graduate Appointments
Opportunity to Waive Elsevier Open Access Publishing Fees
Senior Promotions
Pathways for Faculty Concerns & Grievances
Resources for Faculty
ASTRO Alumni Reception
ASTRO 2024
ASTRO 2023
ASTRO 2021
ASTRO 2019
ASTRO 2018
ASTRO 2017
ESTRO Alumni Reception
ESTRO 2024
UTDRO Alumni Award
Alumni Award Recipients
Alumni Spotlight
Alumni Mentorship Program
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About Us
UTDRO 2022: Reflect. Transform. Lead
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Professionalism
EDI in Research: Resources
TIDE Unconscious Bias Training
Learner Mistreatment
UofT - The Institutional Equity Office
Unconscious Bias and Search Committee Resources, Temerty Faculty of Medicine
Additional Resources on Unconscious Bias
Annual Reports
Alumni Profiles
Our History
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Departmental Structure
Executive Committee
Appointments Committee
Promotions Committee
UTDRO External Review