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RTi3 Program Agenda
Friday, March 5, 2021
10:00 - 10:05 AM |
Conference Chairs Opening Remarks Darby Erler and Grace Lee |
10:05 - 10:10 AM |
UTDRO Chair Welcome Dr. Fei-Fei Liu |
10:10 - 11:00 AM |
Innovate Keynote Address Transforming Radiotherapy - Did you know that you all play a role? Elizabeth Knowles, Product Manager, Elekta (Moderated by: Grace Lee) |
11:00 - 11:10 AM | Morning Stretch | |
11:10 - 12:00 PM Two Streams |
Proffered Session 1 – Patient
Proffered Session 2 – Quality(Moderated by: Shaziya Malam) |
Preparing for bereavement: A qualitative exploration of information and support for primary caregivers of patients with terminal cancer undergoing palliative radiation therapy Kelly Linden, MSc, MRT(T) |
A Pan-Canadian Approach to Patient-Centered Quality Improvement Initiatives: The Canadian Partnership for Quality in Radiotherapy (CPQR)’s Development of Patient Education, Engagement and Patient Reported Outcome Guidance Document Merrylee McGuffin, BSc, MSc, MRT(T) |
Outcomes from a Single Institution Cohort of 248 Patients with Stage I-III Esophageal Cancer Treated with Radiotherapy: Comparison of the Younger and Elderly Populations. Carrie Lavergne, MSc, MRT(T) |
Investigation of Strategies to Improve Patient Success in Preparation for CT Simulation for Prostate Radiotherapy Shannah Murland, HBSc., MRT(T), PgC |
Prophylatic Use of Mepitel Film for Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chestwall Irradiation: A Single Institution Experience. Fatima Oshin, MRT(T) |
A Novel Radiation Therapist Led Opt-Out Consent Process for Low-Risk Research Michael Velec, MRT(T), PhD |
Assessing Daily Patient Communication for Radiation Therapy Patients with Limited English Proficiency. Carmen Chan, BMRSc, MRT(T) |
Quality Culture Change: An 8-Point How-To Guide for Radiation Therapy Erika Hammer, BSc, MRT(T) |
What evidence supports the therapeutic use of cannabis by cancer patients? A review of human clinical trials. Tara Rosewall, PhD, fCAMRT(T) |
An Optimization Framework for Infrastructure Funding Allocation Brian Liszewski, BSc, MRT(T) |
12 - 12:45 PM | Lunch | |
12: 45 - 1:45 PM |
Workshop 1 “I Can’t Do This Much Longer”: Resilience, Well-being and The Perfect Time for a Revolution Dr. Shelly Dev, MD, FRCPC (Moderated by: Lisa Di Prospero) |
1:45 - 2:35 PM Two Streams |
Proffered Session 3 – Technical Advances in Radiation Therapy(Moderated by: Mikki Campbell) |
Moderated Rapid Fire Poster(Moderated by: Michael Velec) |
A Novel Methodology to Estimate the Need for Proton Beam Therapy. Brian Liszewski, BSc, MRT(T) |
Developing Human Papillomavirus Education Material for HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients with an Interprofessional Health Care Team and Patient Representatives Madette Galapin, H.BSc, MRT(T) |
Assessing Patient and Caregiver Interest for a Head and Neck Cancer Educational Mobile Application. Nathaniel So, H.BSc, MRT(T) |
What do our patients say about cannabis? A Thematic Analysis of Patient-Initiated Cancer Blog Posts Tara Rosewall, PhD, fCAMRT(T) |
Intraoperative MR-adaptive Interstitial HDR Brachytherapy for Advanced Gynecological Cancers. Mackenzie Smith, MSc, BSc, MRT(T) |
An observational study evaluating the impact on prostate patient outcomes and experiences when radiation therapists use standard tools and a grading system to assess and document treatment-related toxicities and interventions Edward Leung, MRT(T) |
Effectiveness of surface-guidance in detecting intrafraction motion for frameless, linear accelerator-based stereotactic radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in the treatment of brain metastases using post-treatment CBCT evaluation. Justina Wong *Junior Investigator |
Development of an educational framework for radiographers working on an MR Linac Lisa McDaid, MClinRes, BSc |
Patient Perspectives on Frame versus Mask Immobilization for Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Winnie Li, MSc, MRT(T) |
Implementing an Oligometastases Program in a Radiotherapy Department: A Radiation Therapist's Perspective Joanna Javor, APRT(T), MHSc, CMD, MRT(T) |
Implementation of QBP Radiation Therapy Protocols at a Cancer Centre Ruvette Coelho, MRT(T), MBA, H.BSc. |
Supporting Team Leads with the Implementation of Formalized Structured Engagement: Introduction of the Treatment Team Lead Quarterly Meetings Glen Gonzales, MRT(T) |
A Single Institutional Experience of the Utilization of Hydrogel Spacer for Prostate SBRT Christie Wilcox, MSc, MRT(T) |
Development of competencies to ensure safe Image Registration by radiographers working on an MR Linac Abigael Clough, BSc |
Utilizing a Radiation Therapist Champion Model to Improve ESAS-r/EPIC Completion Rates During the COVID-19 Pandemic Giovanna Wu, BSc, MRT(T) |
What’s the Hold Up: Using quality improvement processes to decrease appointment wait times for new radiation therapy patients in a large academic cancer centre. Merrylee McGuffin, BSc, MSc, MRT(T) |
Outcome Measurement – Developing standardized advanced practice workload measurement tools across the province with workload codes Kitty Chan, H.BSc, MHSc, MRT(T) |
A Prioritization Framework for the Analysis of Near Misses in Radiation Oncology Brian Liszewski, BSc, MRT(T) |
2:35 - 2:50 PM | Afternoon Refresh | |
2:50 - 3:50 PM |
Inquire, Inspire, Innovate Plenary Sessions - Top Ranked Abstracts 2021(Moderated by: Vickie Kong) |
Inquire Plenary Session Relationships, Body Image, and Intimacy: An Ontario pilot to encourage sexual health conversations between Medical Radiation Therapists and patients during cancer treatment. Margaret Hart, BSc, MRT(T) |
Inspire Plenary Session Queering Cancer: Development of an innovative website with LGBTQ2 people affected by cancer. Amanda Bolderston, MRT(T), FCAMRT, EdD |
Innovate Plenary Session Automated Machine-Learning Radiotherapy Planning for Pediatric and Adult Brain Tumours. Grace Tsui, BSc, MRT(T), CMD |
3:50 - 4:40 PM |
Inter-professional Keynote Address Improving Quality of Care in Radiation Oncology: Top-Down, or Bottom-Up? Dr. David Palma, MD, MSc, PhD, FRCPC (Moderated by: Darby Erler) |
4:40 - 4:50 PM |
Co-Chair Closing Remarks Darby Erler and Grace Lee |
4:50 - 5:00 PM | Evening Refresh | |
5:00 - 6:00 PM |
Virtual Escape Room | Social Networking | Prizes (Moderated by: Brian Liszewski) |
Saturday, March 6, 2021
10:00 - 10:10 AM |
Conference Chairs Opening Remarks Darby Erler and Grace Lee |
10:10 - 11:00 AM |
Inspire Keynote Address Putting the pieces together: Delivering quality care now and in the future Lee Fairclough, President St. Mary’s General Hospital (Moderated by: Darby Erler) |
11:00 - 11:10 AM | Morning Stretch | ||||
11:10 - 12:05 PM Two Streams |
Proffered Session 4 - COVID-19(Moderated by: Ruvette Coelho) |
Student SessionRuns 11:10 - 1:00 PM - First 3 presentations will take place simultaneously in different breakout rooms. Attendees will be split equally between the breakout rooms and the Presenters along with their moderators will be rotated for 3 presentation rounds. |
The Organizational and Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Radiation Therapists Working in Canada and Norway: Preliminary Findings Sangho Choi, Agnethe Korsell *Junior Investigators |
What are managers seeking in a new graduate hire? Brandee Pidgeon, BSc, MHM, MRT(T) (Moderated by: Caitlyn Lazar) |
COPING WITH COVID: The organizational response and operational impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in a large Ontario radiotherapy department Christine Hill, MHM, MRT(T) |
Getting involved, staying involved, and how to get recognized for it. Carmen Chan, BSc, MRT(T) (Moderated by: Mauli Shah) |
Lessons Learnt: A Novel Radiation Therapy Led COVID-19 Swabbing Clinic Laura D’Alimonte, MRT(T), MHSc |
Getting involved in research – now and later. Tara Rosewall, PhD, fCAMRT(T) (Moderated by: Martin Chai) |
COVID Impact on a Brachytherapy (BT) Program in Toronto, Ontario Kitty Chan, MHSc, MRT(T) |
CAMRT Exam Student Preparation Session Josée Pelletier (Moderated by: Meaghan Stayzer) |
Rapid Review and Assessment of CBCT for Lung Opacity Changes Suggestive of COVID-19 Infection Olive Wong, MSc, MRT(T) |
Stories of Redeployment during COVID-19: Radiation Therapists Making a Difference Krista Dawdy, MRT(T), MSc, Anne Carty, MRT(T), Kaitlan Sidey, MRT(T) |
12:05 - 1:05 PM |
Workshop 2 Stress Management During COVID-19 Dr. Katherine Plewa (Moderated by: Nawroz Fatima) |
1:05 - 1:45 PM | Lunch | ||||
1:45 - 2:45 PM |
National Innovation Snapshot (CAMRT Sponsored)(Moderated by: Brian Liszewski and Merrylee McGuffin) |
You Used to Call Me on My .. Pager? The Introduction of Treatment Unit Cellphones to Improve Patient Care. Jaclyn Jacques |
Appointment Requisition to Book Radiation Treatments Ruvette Coelho, MRT(T), MBA, H.BSc. |
Live from the "JACC" Kari Osmar |
Web based virtual linac enhanced to support radiation therapy education Maria Dimopoulos |
Sexual Health as a Survivorship Issue: Developing a Framework addressing the Sexual Health Needs of Patients treated with Head and Neck Cancer Radiation Treatment Karen Tse |
Continuing competency: Creating an IGRT database to help RT’s with new techniques and continued learning at our centre Abby Sirisegaram-Cole |
“Walk with Us”: A how to guide to radiation treatment appointments Marnie Peacock |
2:45 - 3:35 PM Two Streams |
Proffered Session 5 – Treatment Planning(Moderated by: Martin Chai) |
Proffered Session 6 – Education(Moderated by: Kieng Tan) |
Impact of the implementation of a Contouring Atlas on Therapeutic Radiographer inter-observer contour variation in prostate radiotherapy Abigael Clough, BSc |
Development of an Inventory of Knowledge and Skills Required for the Integration of MRI in Radiation Therapy Practice: An International Modified Delphi Study Mikki Campbell, MHE, MRT(T) |
Spacing it out – Assessing the effect of Hydrogel Spacer on Rectal Dosimetry in Prostate Stereotactic Radiotherapy using MRI-based contours Vickie Kong, MSc, CMD, MRT(T) |
Learning From Cancer Survivors as Standardized Patients: Radiation Therapy Students’ Perspective Cynthia Palmaria, BSc, MA, MRT(T) |
Heart and Lung Dose Metrics in Radiation Therapy Patients Treated for Synchronous Bilateral Breast Cancer (SBBC): A Decade in Review (2011-2018) Sandi Bosnic, B.A., MRT(T) |
MRSS Atoms Initiative – Providing Mentors for First-Year MRS Students to Initiate Networking, Support, and Engagement Matthew Magliozzi, BSc |
Deformable Registration for Accurate Re-Contouring and Total Planned Dose Records for Patients Undergoing Adaptive Re-Planning Joshua Torchia, BSc, MRT(T) |
Improving lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirit content in a radiation therapy undergraduate curriculum Amanda Bolderston, MSC, MRT(T), EdD |
Can Conformity-Based Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Improve Dosimetry and Speed of Delivery in Radiation Therapy to Lumbosacral Spine Compared with Conventional Techniques? Joanna Javor, APRT(T), MHSc., CMD, MRT(T) |
Interviewing Patients at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre (TBCC) to Assess the Effectiveness of Resources and Education Provided to Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) Patients by Radiation Therapists and Oncologists Aiden Mazer *Junior Investigator |
3:35 - 3:45 PM | Afternoon Refresh | ||||
3:45 – 4:35 PM |
Inquire, Inspire, Innovate Plenary Sessions - Top Ranked Abstracts 2020(Moderated by: Winnie Li) |
Inquire Plenary Session Survival Outcomes and Prognostic Factors for >1000 Patients Treated Curatively with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Oligometastases Darby Erler, MRT(T), MHSc |
Inspire Plenary Session Patient Engagement in Research: Using Qualitative Methods to Gather Patient and Caregiver Perspectives Merrylee McGuffin, BSc, MSc, MRT(T) |
Innovate Plenary Session Delivered Dose Distribution Estimation for Online-Adaptive Prostate SBRT on the MR-Linac Jennifer Dang, MRT(T), (MR) |
4:35 - 5:25 PM |
Inquire Keynote Address From Da Vinci to Dose Painting: The Art of Inquiry-Based Travels in Radiotherapy Natalie Rozanec, APRT(T), MSc (Moderated by: Grace Lee) |
5:25 - 5:30 PM |
Conference Chairs Closing Remarks Darby Erler and Grace Lee |
5:30 PM | End of Conference |
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