RTi3 2022 Research Study Submission Requirements

Criteria for a Research Study

Research abstracts are those that report prospective and retrospective studies using more formal scientific approaches. They often describe a systematic investigation designed to answer a question, and/or test a hypothesis with valid conclusions that are supported by the results.

Required Sections

Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion

My Abstract Doesn't Match Research Study Criteria

RTi3 is also collecting Practice Innovation / Initiative abstracts which focus on the development of novel innovations and process or quality improvement projects that have the potential to impact our daily practive, our professions, and our patients. View the criteria for Practice Innovation / Initiative category.

Before you begin...

Please make sure that you have the following information before beginning the abstract submission process:

  • Information for the presenting author: First and Last Names, Institution(s)/Affiliation(s), Position at Institution(s), Credentials Held, Telephone and Email
  • Accurate author list/order: First and Last Names, and Name of Institution(s)/Affiliations
  • All details of your abstract submission - max. 3000 characters (approx. 500 words)

Important Notes

  • All correspondence will be sent to the person submitting the abstract
  • No changes will be permitted to your abstract after submission (except for students)
  • Questions should be addressed to: rti3@utoronto.ca 

Deadline to Submit

Tuesday, January 25, 2022, by 11:59pm

You will be redirected to the RTi3 Research Study submission portal. 

If your abstract doesn't match the criteria for a Research Study, it may qualify for the Practice Innovation / Initiative category.