My name is Nicole Barber and I previously completed my undergraduate degree at Wilfrid Laurier University with a major in Health Sciences. I am currently finishing my third and final year in the Radiation Therapy Program at The Michener Institute/University of Toronto. I am known to have a strong passion for sports. I play competitive soccer in the summertime and I continue to be involved in swimming and pickup hockey throughout the year. I grew up in a small town and I worked has a Head Lifeguard at an outdoor swimming quarry. I have always strived to have an active lifestyle, while focusing on my academics and socializing.
What and where did you study before joining MRS?
Health Sciences BSc Degree at Wilfrid Laurier University
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
What attracted you to the MRS program?
After completing my undergraduate degree in Health Sciences, I developed a strong interest in the health care system. I was very interested in medical imaging in addition to building a strong relationship with patients. The MRS program allows you to work with new innovative technology, while still maintaining close interactive care for patients.
My experience in the MRS program was a completely different experience from my previous university degree. The class sizes are very small, allowing for opportunities to get to know your classmates and professors. Everyone is on a first name basis and I found that extremely supportive. The MRS program also incorporated a lot of hands on learning labs that created an optimal learning environment for me.
What I like best about this program is how closely the didactic material we study in class relates to the actual profession. I developed a passion for this chosen career and it made my learning experience easier because I knew everything was useful for my future profession. I also really liked the clinical placement aspect of this program. Spending the last year in a clinical setting helps you apply what you have learned and put it into actual practice.
I was involved in several intramural sports during my time at U of T and Michener. I volunteered for a variety of events happening at Michener; including MMI’s, Spring Fling, and Orientation. I also had the opportunity to be a peer tutor at Michener.
After graduation I plan to write the CAMRT exam and to find a job as a Radiation Therapist.
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