We are so excited to welcome our newest physics residents for the September 2021 cohort.
Dr. Parisa Sadeghi earned her PhD in Medical Physics from Dalhousie University in 2021 before joining the residency program at Princess Margaret Hospital. Her research was focused on developing a novel capacitance-based motion management technique for stereotactic radiotherapy treatments.
I am a medical physics resident at Sunnybrook (Odette Cancer Centre). I grew up in Lockeport, Nova Scotia and completed my PhD at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. My research interests are in radiation detection and brachytherapy. Besides medical physics I enjoy running, playing soccer, hiking, and reading.
Chris completed his PhD in medical physics at Carleton University in Ottawa, ON, where he worked on the development of x-ray coherent scatter imaging systems. He was subsequently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Ryerson University, modelling the energy response of cadmium-zinc-telluride x-ray imaging detectors and investigating methods to compensate for spectral distortions. He is excited to enter the clinical environment as a physics resident at the Odette Cancer Centre.