Jun 11, 2021

UTDRO Annual Report 2019-2020


Our community's resilience and passion in coming together and adapting new practices to teach, delivering quality care, and continuing to strive towards excellence in research is extraordinary.

We are pleased to share the 2019-20 UTDRO Annual Report. 

The past year has been like no other - nearly every aspect of our lives has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these challenges, we continued to make progress on our Strategic Plan, "Reflect. Transform. Lead." Our achievements are a result of the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our multidisciplinary faculty, staff, and trainees. 

Today, we invite you to reflect on the 2019-20 highlights in the UTDRO Annual Report. We hope that the innovations and synergy will stimulate even more ideas and collaborations across the UTDRO community.