Please join us in sending our warmest farewells to these excellent UTDRO members.
We would like to thank Dr. Andrea McNiven for her tireless efforts and dedication to physics education in her role as Director, Physics Residency at UT DRO during the last several years. Our many trainees have benefitted from her enthusiasm, expertise, vision and commitment to our program. She has been instrumental in the recent CAMPEP accreditation and in the positive experience for our learners.
We would like to thank Dr. Derek Tsang as he concludes his term for his leadership as the Undergraduate Medical Education Director. Dr. Tsang has been a strong champion and supporter for undergraduate medical students. Under his leadership, oncology teaching in the undergraduate medical education program has increased significantly.
We would like to thank Dr. James Brierley as he transitions to the status of an Emeritus Professor. During his nearly 30 years at UTDRO, Dr. Brierley has made immense contributions to the learning and education brought by the department. Throughout this time, he has supervised numerous students and has won several teaching and education awards in recognition of his mentorship ability and commitment to the education of our trainees.