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MRS New Student Information

Welcome to the MRS Class of 2027!

Congratulations on your admission to the Medical Radiation Sciences (MRS) program. 

Now that you have accepted your Offer, paid your deposit and returned your Post-Admission Requirements and Tuition Deposit Form, we're looking forward to assisting you as you prepare for the start of classes and to welcoming you into our community this September.

This page will provide details about upcoming information events, important updates, key dates and your list of action items that you will need to complete in preparation for September. 


MRS Fees and Finance Info Session

MRS Fees and Finance Information Session

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm – Thursday, May 16, 2024

Learn about your MRS financial account, MRS fees, fee payment, Michener and U of T scholarships, bursaries and more! 

Click Here to Watch a Recording of the Session.

Health Requirements Information Session

Health Requirements Information Session

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm – Thursday, June 6, 2024

Hosted by Michener's Health Services office, this online session will provide an opportunity to learn more about Health Requirements and related documents/deadlines. 

Please visit Michener's Information Session page to access a recording of the webinar. 

AUGUST 21 | Orientation Update

The Orientation schedule is now available at

We look forward to meeting you in-person at our MRS-specific Orientation session at U of T on Thursday, August 29 at 11:00 am. This session will be held in Room 610 Health Sciences Building at 155 College Street.

JULY 17 | Tuition Invoices

Tuition Invoices for the 2024-25 academic year are now available on ACORN. Electronic fee deferral on ACORN/ROSI for 2024-25 is now available and will remain open until Tuesday September 3, 2024. For more information, refer to Action Item #8 (Pay Your Fees) below.

JULY 16 | MRS Handbook 2024-2025 Now Available

The MRS Handbook 2024-2025 has been posted. The MRS Handbook is your guide to program information as well as both academic and health and safety policies. In early September we will ask you to submit a form to confirm that you have read and understood the information provided in the Handbook. 

JULY 10 | Release of Course Schedules/Timetables Delayed

Course schedules/timetables for the Fall 2024 semester will now be issued in late July. Please continue to watch this page for updates. 

MAY 15 | MRS Class of 2027 Facebook Group is Open!

Join the MRS Class of 2027 Facebook Group and begin connecting with your classmates. This is a private group. To request access visit

Watch this space for updates!

Throughout the summer we will post updates here.

Receive your "Welcome to Michener" email notification (See Action Item #1) 
July 1
Deadline to apply for residence at Michener (See Action Item #2) 
Early July
Michener issues "" email addresses (watch "Updates" section of this page for notification)
Mid July
Michener issues course timetables/schedules (watch "Updates" section of this page for notification)
July 15
Deadline to satisfy admission conditions (See Action Item #3)
July 15
Tuition/fees invoices posted to U of T ACORN accounts (See Action Item #8)
July 31
Deadline to submit VSC/Health Requirements documentation to Michener (See Action Item #4)
Early August
Textbook Lists posted (watch "Updates" section of this page for notification)
August 28 - 30
New Student Orientation (See Action Item #9)
September 3
Deadline to pay or defer Fall 2024 fees (See Action Item #8) 
September 3
First day of Fall 2024 Semester

Before classes start there’s some important information you’ll need to review and actions that you’ll need to take. To ensure that you’re ready and well-informed refer to the 9 Action Items below, and remember to check this page regularly for updates!

1. Watch for your ‘Welcome to Michener’ Email Notification (June)

After you have accepted your Offer of Admission and submitted your tuition deposit, the Registrar’s Office at Michener will issue a “Welcome Letter” by email. This notification will include:

  • your Michener ID number
  • your credentials to access Michener’s Self-Service portal
  • next steps information related to the creation of your Michener email address and fall course schedules, etc.

2. Apply for Residence (Michener Residence Application Deadline: July 1, 2024)

If you’re moving to Toronto or looking for nearby accommodations, you might consider living on campus at U of T or at Michener. To learn more about the residence options on the U of T campus visit the U of T Student Housing Portal.  If you are interested in becoming a part of the residence community at Michener’s Schatz Hall Residence apply before July 1 to avoid being automatically wait-listed. If you are looking for off-campus housing or shared accommodations, please refer to the Off-Campus Housing Finder

Quick Links:

3. Submit Documents to Satisfy Conditions of Your Offer of Admission (Deadline: July 15, 2024)

If you have not submitted final/official transcripts for all studies to date (including Winter 2024 courses), or if you are currently enrolled in Spring courses, your Offer of Admission will remain conditional until all outstanding documents are submitted and the requirements indicated within your Offer of Admission have been fully satisfied.

  • If we require results from the University of Toronto, we will access the results internally and no action is required. 
  • If we require a transcript from an institution in Ontario, you must submit your digital transcript which you must request from within your OUAC account.
  • If we require a transcript from an institution outside of Ontario, your original/official transcript must be sent directly from the issuing institution to: University Admissions and Outreach, University of Toronto, 172 St. George Street, Toronto, ON  M5R 0A3. If paper transcripts are not currently available from your institution, please contact the MRS Admissions team for guidance. 

Please be aware that the deadline to satisfy all conditions of your Offer is July 15 and that failure to meet this deadline may result in the withdrawal of your Offer of Admission. 

Please continue to check the JOIN U of T site to verify the status of your documents and to confirm that they have been received by U of T as soon as possible and in advance of the July 15 deadline.

4. Prepare to Submit Health Requirements & Vulnerable Sector Check (Deadline: July 31, 2024)

Your Health Requirements and Vulnerable Sector Check documentation will be submitted to Michener.

The MRS program requires that all students submit a current and satisfactory Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) and meet a number of health requirements. Please visit the Health Requirements page for more information and begin taking the necessary actions to satisfy the requirements once your admission has been finalized. Typically, the Deadline to satisfy the majority of these requirements will be July 31, however, applicants who are offered admission during the summer may have a revised deadline to satisfy these requirements. Please refer to your Offer of Admission to confirm your deadline to submit your required documentation. 

By early June, you will be granted full access to the Michener Self-Service portal which will allow you to upload your health requirements documentation and review the status of your submissions. Your access will be granted once you receive notification from Michener regarding the creation of your Michener Self-Service ID (see Action Item #5).

For more information regarding the required documentation, submission process and deadlines please visit Michener Health Services & Requirements or contact for assistance.

Quick Links:

5. Activate and Access Your U of T and Michener Accounts/Credentials (July)

As an MRS student you will have access to both U of T and Michener services.

In addition to online teaching and learning systems hosted at both institutions, you will access U of T’s ACORN (Accessible Campus Online Resource Network) to find information about your fees and U of T academic record, but you’ll use the Michener Self-Service portal to view your class schedule and access course information. You will also have both a U of T and Michener email address, but your Michener address will be the primary way the program will connect with you.

University of Toronto: UTORid, TCard, UTmail+ and ACORN

Your UTORid is your University of Toronto digital student credential. Upon admission to U of T you must convert your JOINid to a UTORid before classes begin. Visit the “Get your UTORid & TCard” page for step-by-step instructions. If you have previously studied at U of T and you have an active UTORid and UTmail+ email your access/credentials will continue unchanged (you do not need to activate your UTORid or create a UTmail+ account).

Your activated UTORid is required to acquire your UTmail+ (U of T email) account and your TCard (U of T student ID). When you complete the steps noted on the "Get your UTORid & TCard" page, you will receive your Secret Activation Key (SAK) which is required to establish your UTmail+ email accountAs you will need to activate your UTORid and UTmail+ email account to access key online resources including Quercus (U of T's Learning Management System) please ensure that you complete this process before the first day of classes. 

You will Login to ACORN  to check your MRS fees/financial account, view your U of T academic record, and complete other records tasks such as making updates to address and contact information. To access ACORN, you will use your UTORid/JOINid and password.

Please remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your address and phone number is current and accurate. During the academic session, all correspondence mailed by the University of Toronto will be sent to your mailing address. If you are new to U of T, the personal data currently entered in ACORN was taken from the information provided by OUAC (Ontario Universities’ Application Centre). Please ensure that this information is updated by the first day of classes and you continue to update your information as it changes.

Quick Links:


Michener: Michener Self-Service, Michener Email and Michener ID Cards

Your Michener Self-Service User ID will enable full access to the Michener Self-Service portal where you will upload and review the status of your health requirement documentation and access your course timetable/schedule (which will be available by late July). Your Michener Self-Service User ID will be issued by Michener in June.

Beginning in July, Michener will issue “” email addresses for all new incoming students (who have accepted their seats and paid their admissions deposits). Michener will send an email (to the email address associated with your application) to confirm the creation of your account. Once you have received this notification, all official MRS program communications will be sent to your Michener email account (although you will also be required to check and maintain your U of T email account).  

Your Michener ID card will be issued by the Student Success Network (SSN). Beginning July 15, you may email a jpg or png self-photo (head shot only) to Preference is for a neutral background and no sunglasses or non-religious head coverings. This does not need to be a professionally taken photo.  Be sure to include your name, Michener ID number and discipline (Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy or Radiological Technology) in your email. Your Michener ID will be available for pick up your first day on campus.

You’ll learn more about how to set up and use Michener’s other online resources during New Student Orientation.

Quick Links:                        

6. Receive Your Course Timetable and Prepare for Your Classes (July)

Your course timetable will be issued by Michener. 

We will automatically register you in the appropriate courses. You are not required to make any course selections or submit registration forms. All candidates admitted to the first-year Medical Radiation Sciences Program will be enrolled in the required curriculum set by the Program. Personalized schedules will be issued in late July. Please watch the "Updates" section of this page and your inbox and this page for updates. 

In order to ensure that you are well prepared for the start of classes, please note the following:

Your first day of classes will be Tuesday, September 3. For more information about important session dates, please refer to the Calendar on our website.

7. Review the MRS Handbook (August)

The MRS Handbook is your guide to program information as well as both academic and health and safety policies. The Handbook, which is updated annually, outlines your rights and responsibilities and is an important reference tool for MRS students. The 2024-2025 MRS Handbook can be found on our Resources page. 

In early September we will ask you to submit a form to confirm that you have read and understood the information provided in the Handbook. 

Quick Links:

8. Pay Your Fees (Fall Fee Payment/Deferral Deadline: September 3, 2024)

Your MRS Program tuition and ancillary fees are paid to U of T. 

Your invoice will be posted to your U of T ACORN account by July 15. 

If you are applying for OSAP (or another provincial/government student assistance program), please indicate "University of Toronto" as your institution.

Your fees for the 2024-25 academic year are divided into two equal "Fall" and "Winter" portions. Your Fall semester fees must be paid at a bank (in person, at a bank machine, via telephone banking or online) or by Mastercard or VISA credit card (a convenience fee of 2.5% will be applied) by September 3, 2024. If you have applied for funding from OSAP or another provincial/government student assistance program, and you are not able to pay your fees by the deadline, you can apply for a tuition deferral in which case the deadline to pay your Fall semester fees will be September 30. The second installment of your fees (for Winter session) must be paid by November 30, 2024. If you have a fee deferral, this second installment of your fees will be due January 31, 2025. For more information on how to pay your fees, please visit Student Accounts 

To make your payment you’ll need a copy of your financial account in invoice format; we anticipate that invoices will be available by July 15 (check this page for updates) at which time you can access your invoice by logging into ACORN. From the Home screen, select "Financial Account" on the left-hand side, then, after clicking this link, you can select "Show Invoice" which will allow you to view and print your invoice. For more information, watch the Finances - Check Invoice video and see How to Submit Payment

Please note that your ACORN registration status will remain as “Invited” until you have paid or deferred your Fall 2024 fees (which will be considered the “minimum payment” required to complete your registration). Once you have paid or deferred your Fall fees (after invoices are posted on July 15 and no later than the September 3 payment/deferral deadline) your status will be updated to “Registered”.

If you have applied for funding from OSAP or another provincial/government student assistance program, and you are not able to pay your fees by the deadline, you can apply for a tuition deferral. Please refer to the "MRS Fee Deferral Information 2024-25" document which will be posted in the "Quick Links" section below when available.

All students who would like to be considered for UTAPS for the 2024-25 school year must complete and submit an application through the Need Navigator, along with any supporting documentation required as stated on the student’s application by the deadline. Watch your inbox for further updates.

If you still have unmet financial needs, you may apply for the MRS Program Bursary. More information will be made available in September and the application deadline will be 5:00 pm October 15, 2024

Quick Links:

Additional Resources: 

9. Attend Michener/U of T Orientation (August 28, 29 and 30, 2024) & Start Classes! (September 3, 2024)

All new students must attend New Student Orientation. Mandatory days will be August 28 and 29 with an optional day on August 30. This event is designed to introduce you to your new community and academic environment. 

We look forward to meeting you in-person at our MRS-specific Orientation session at U of T on Thursday, August 29 at 11:00 am. This session will be held in Room 610 Health Sciences Building at 155 College Street.

We also encourage you to take part in Orientation activities at U of T – view the Orientation Calendar for more information. 

Your first day of classes will be Tuesday, September 3 – earlier than most U of T programs. For a complete calendar of important session dates, please refer to the Calendar page of our website.

Quick Links:

Stewart Building
The MRS Program office is located on the fifth floor at 149 College Street in the historic Stewart Building. Originally constructed in 1894 for the Toronto Athletic Club, it later served as police headquarters for the City of Toronto.


If you have questions or need information, please contact us by email – we’ll be happy to assist you.

We also invite you to join us on Facebook and Instagram  so that you can start connecting with your classmates and the larger MRS/MRT community. 

MRS Program Office
Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Toronto, Temerty Faculty of Medicine
149 College Street, Suite 504
Toronto, ON M5T 1P5