Lee Chin

- B.Sc. (Hons), medical and health physics, McMaster University, Canada
- PhD, medical biophysics, University of Toronto, Canada
- Clinical physics residency, Princess Margaret Hospital, Canada
Research Synopsis
- Adaptive radiation therapy
- Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) quality assurance
- Optical spectroscopy
- Deformable registration and image segmentation of metastatic spine
- Thermal therapy
Dr. Chin is a clinical medical physicist at the Odette Cancer Centre. He is the primary resource physicist for the Mosaiq record and verify system, and the head and neck site group at the centre.
He has supervised 13 clinical research projects since 2012 led by fourth-year medical physics, therapy and summer students. These projects include innovations in adaptive re-planning for pancreatic and head and neck patients, automated plan check quality assurance of treatment plans and beam segments, optimal pass criteria for IMRT quality assurance, and in vivo electronic portal imaging device dosimetry. The software and protocols from these projects have often been implemented immediately into clinic.
Beyond the clinic, he is involved in several funded research projects. As part of the Ontario Consortium for Adaptive Interventions in Radiation Oncology, he is the primary investigator for a study investigating adaptive strategies for pancreatic patients using the TomoTherapy system and daily megavoltage computed tomography imaging. He is also a co-investigator on a Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation grant with Dr. Greg Czarnota, in which he is assessing diffuse optical tomography and spectroscopy of breast cancer patients for monitoring of early chemotherapeutic response.
He is also involved in integrating biophotonics into the radiation therapy clinic. Working with Dr. Stanley Liu, Dr. Chin has investigated the role of diffuse optical spectroscopy in quantifying radiation-induced skin erythema, particularly for preclinical evaluation of novel anti-inflammatory drugs.
Recent Publications
Korpela E, Yohan D, Chin LCL, Kim A, Huang XY, Sade S, Van Slyke P, Dumont D, Liu SK. Vasculotide, an angiopoietin-1 mimetic, reduces acute skin ionizing radiation damage in a preclinical mouse model. BMC Cancer. 2014 Aug. (In press)
Yohan D, Kim A, Korpela E, Liu S, Niu C, Wilson BC, Chin LCL. Quantitative monitoring of radiation induced skin toxicities in nude mice using optical biomarkers measured from diffuse optical spectroscopy. Biomedical Opt Exp. 2014 Apr;5(5):1309–20.
Chin LC, Lloyd BA, Whelan WM, and Vitkin IA. Point radiance spectroscopy. J Appl Phys. 2009 May;105(10):102025.
Chin LC, Worthington AE, Whelan WM, Vitkin IA. Determination of the optical properties of turbid media using relative interstitial radiance measurements: Monte Carlo study, experimental validation, and sensitivity analysis. J Biomed Opt. 2007 Nov–Dec;12(6):064027.
Chin LC and Sherar M. Changes in dielectric properties of ex vivo bovine liver at 915 MHz during heating. Phys Med Biol. 2001 Jan;46(1):197–211.