Harald Keller

- Diploma (Masters) Nuclear Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Post-graduate Masters, Medical Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- PhD, Medical Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Radiation Safety Office Diploma, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Professional Memberships
- Member of the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (MCCPM)
Research Synopsis
- Quantification of geometrical and functional “fidelity” of PET imaging systems
- Development of calibration procedures and imaging phantoms for imaging systems to assist in improved quantification of tumour response to treatment
- Optimal fractionation schedules in radiation therapy
- Development of calibration procedures and imaging phantoms for static and dynamic imaging systems to assist in improved quantification of tumour response to treatment.
- Mathematical modeling and optimization of fractionation schedules for radiation therapy
Recent Publications
Keller H, Davison M. Optimal Dose-per-fraction Schedules for Simulated Drug Radiosensitization Scenarios. Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR), Toronto, Canada, Vol I, 386–9, 2007.
Vines D, Keller H, Hoisak J, Breen S. Quantitative PET Imaging Comparing Gated to Non-Gated Acquisitions Using a NEMA Phantom with Respiratory-Simulated Motion. J Nucl Med Tech 35(4): 246-51, 2007
Keller H, Jaffray DA, Rosewall T, White E. Efficient on-line setup correction strategies using plan-intent functions. Med Phys 33: 1388-97, 2006.
Kissick MW, Fenwick J, James JA, Jeraj R, Kapatoes JM, Keller H, Mackie TR, Olivera G, Soisson ET. The helical tomotherapy thread effect. Med Phys 32: 1414-23, 2005.
Keller H, Tome W, Ritter MA, Mackie TR. Design of adaptive treatment margins for non-negligible measurement uncertainty. Application to ultrasound-guided prostate radiation therapy. Phys Med Biol 49(1): 69-86, 2004.
Zhang T, Keller H, O’Brien MJ, Mackie TR, Paliwal B. Application of the spirometer in respiratory gated radiotherapy. Med Phys 30(12): 3165-71, 2003.
Keller H, Hinderer R, Glass M, Jeraj R, Schmidt R, Fang G, Kapatoes J, Mackie TR, Corradini ML. Design Considerations for Efficient Binary Megavoltage Photon Detector Structures. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 50(1): Part I 117-21, 2003.
Mackie TR, Kapatoes J, Ruchala K, Lu W, Wu C, Olivera G, Forrest L, Tome W, Welsh J, Jeraj R, Harari P, Reckwerdt P, Paliwal B, Ritter M, Keller H, Fowler J, Mehta M. Image guidance for precise conformal radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 56(1): 89-105, 2003.
Keller H, Ritter M, Mackie TR. Optimal stochastic correction strategies for rigid-body target motion. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 55(1): 261-70, 2003.
Keller H, Glass M, Hinderer R, Ruchala K, Jeraj R, Olivera G, Mackie TR. Monte Carlo study of a highly efficient gas ionization detector for megavoltage imaging and image-guided radiotherapy. Med Phys 29: 165-75, 2002.
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto
Adjunct Professor, University of Western Ontario
Physicist, Princess Margaret Hospital/University Health Network
Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics, Ryerson University