Jul 1, 2014

Recent Achievements by UT DRO faculty

Congratulations to the following faculty on their recent achievements. Our faculty are among the leaders in the field of radiation medicine, and we are proud of the calibre of work that they produce. Congratulations to all.

Meredith Giuliani and Caitlin Gillan
Meredith and Caitlin's application to the Educational Development Fund has been approved for funding for their project titled "High‐Fidelity eLearning to Support Competency‐based Residency Training.” Well done, Meredith and Caitlin!

Winnie Li
At the CAMRT Annual General Conference, Winnie Li was awarded the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Outstanding Reviewer Award for the Radiation Therapy category. Congratulations Winnie!

Peter Chung
Congratulations to Peter Chung who has been awarded the 2014 ACURA grant his project titled "Rectal Dose during HDR prostate brachytherapy." Well done, Peter!

Gillian Thomas
Congratulations to Gillian Thomas who has recently been recognized in the Netherlands. She has been awarded the the Dutch Gynecologic Oncology Group's inaugural Boudwdijk Bastiaanse Award given for “Lifetime Contribution and Achievement in Gynecologic Oncology.” This award recognizes the many clinical and research pioneering accomplishments made by Gillian over her career. You deserve it, Gillian!

Sarah Rauth
Congratulations to Sarah Rauth who has been awarded the first ever Excellence in Medical Teaching Award in Oncology at Trillium Health Partners. Well done!

Teo Stanescu, Tony Tadic, David Jaffray and team
The MRgRT project has received two major awards recently. The first award is from theAmerican Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO). They awarded the Annual Meeting Basic Science Abstract Award in the Physics category to T Stanescu, T Tadic, J Marle, J Winter, M Sweitzer, D Jaffray for their project titled "Quantification of Magnetic Field Compatibility of Subcomponents in an MRI-Guided Radiotherapy System."

The second award granted to this team is from the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)  - Best in Physics Joint Imaging-Therapy for "MR and Linac Magnetic Field Mutual Decoupling for An MRI-Guided Radiation Therapy System." The team includes T. Stanescu, T Tadic, J Marle, J Winter, L Petropoulos, M Sweitzer, D Jaffray.

Well done team!

Lisa Barbera
Lisa was awarded a four-year grant by OICR titled "Improving the management of pain in cancer patients in Ontario”. The first two years have been approved at $446,172.70. Congratulations to Lisa and her team which spans 7 institutions and disciplines include nursing, health services research, biostatistics, emergency medicine, palliative care, knowledge translation and pharmacy.

Another congratulations to Lisa on her abstract which was included in the poster highlights discussion at ASCO. The abstract is titled "Does routine symptom screening with the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) decrease emergency department visits in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy?"