Graduate Profile - Diem Vu

Diem Vu, Nuclear Medicine Technologist
MRS Class of 2020 - Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Technology
What did you study before joining the MRS program?
I completed a Bachelor of Science majoring in Anatomy and Cell Biology at McGill University. I was able to use a lot of the theories I have learned from my previous degree and applied it to my degree in Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. I always wanted to do something in healthcare and/or science and this program was a great combination of both.
How was the MRS program/student experience different from your previous university experience?
The MRS program/student experience was very different from my previous university experience. The class size was significantly smaller in the MRS program. The labs are more hands‐on. There was greater emphasis on applications rather than theories. You got to know all your classmates and professors, which made it easier to make connections and build a strong network.
How did the MRS program prepare you for success and/or your current role?
Knowing what to expect, learning all the nuclear medicine procedures, and reflecting on being a healthcare professional are some of the ways that the MRS program had prepared me for my current role. The most rewarding and valuable aspect of the program is definitely the clinical experience because you get to work with real patients and see everything in action.
How was the transition from being a student to working as a professional?
The transition from being a student to a professional was fairly smooth and I have to thank my clinical experiences for building that bridge between the two phases. I subscribed to job postings so I learned about the position at Windsor Regional Hospital through that. My clinical coordinator's classmates work at Windsor Regional Hospital so they have really helped me with the application process as well. There were a lot of amazing opportunities available at the time of my graduation that I have learned about through my clinical coordinators at Sunnybrook and University Health Network. I feel really lucky to have their advice and support throughout my whole experience as a student and as I transitioned into my professional career.
What is your average workday like?
On average I work 7.5 hours a day, 5 days a week. Lately, there are some weeks where I have worked for 6 days because I took on some overtime opportunities. Our department also does weekend on‐call. The Department of Nuclear Medicine at Windsor Regional Hospital ‐ Oulette Campus is very busy. We have 6 cameras. We perform a variety of procedures such as HIDA scans, myocardial perfusion imaging, bone scans, WBC scans, lung V/Q scans, parathyroid scans, brain scans, lymphangiogram, shunt scans, and iodine therapies ‐ just to name a few. My earliest shift starts at 5:45 am when I am in the hot lab/ radiopharmacy. My latest shift ends at 6:00 pm.
What is the most rewarding part of being an MRT?
The most rewarding part of being an MRT is knowing that your work makes an impact in someone's life. It is very rewarding when patients express their gratitude to you especially for working during a pandemic.
What are your plans for the future? What are you looking forward to professionally?
At this point in my career, I want to perfect my craft. I want to get really good at what I do. Eventually down the road, I might want to step into a leadership role but for now I am happy with the role I am in.
Looking back, what did you enjoy most about the MRS program?
What I enjoyed the most about the MRS program is the connections you make. It allows you to really see what opportunities are out there in your career. It is hopeful to see where people that graduated from your program ended up. Nuclear Medicine is a small field and almost everyone knows each other in some way.
What advice would you like to share with prospective MRS students?
My advice would be to stay open‐minded. Take some time to explore the different options to see what you enjoy doing the most and what type of environment you want to work in.